Facial Harmony Is Like A Glorious Mini Holiday

Life can be demanding, energy sapping, full of stressful ups and downs, leaving you feeling drained, exhausted, worn out – and your face showing it too.

The need for time out, for recovery, for catching your breath, increases as the days and years go by.  A whole month away from it all would be wonderful – yet often this is not possible with the commitments to family, work and community taking priority over time for self.

So what can you do?

Well, all is not lost.  An hour of Facial Harmony can take you into another world, where your face, your body, and your mind can take a break – to repair, regenerate and rejuvenate.

Facial Harmony takes you into a deep inner space where stresses and worries recede and dissolve while you are nurtured and soothed.

The focus of Facial Harmony is to gently release the stress patterns in the muscles of your face, release the blocks in the energy flow of the meridians of your face, head, neck and shoulders.

The release continues along the meridian pathways, through your torso and the internal organs, through the pathways in your back and spine, through your hips and legs, all the way to tour toes, and along your arms to your fingertips.

Your entire being benefits from this tension and stress release as the energy flow re-energizes the cells of your face, your skin, your underlying tissues.

With your energy released and flowing you literally light up.  Your face glows.  Your energy from within, when released, is so vivid, so vital, that it literally glows through your skin and radiates out.

You look and feel more youthful, rested and revitalized, feel young again.

Facial Harmony As Therapy

Facial Harmony is a health enhancing therapy in its own right.  By creating energy flow, soothing the nervous system, and releasing old imbedded stress-full muscle patterns, your tissues are open to the new memory of gently caring touch of Facial Harmony that leaves you feeling at peace with the world.

Facial Harmony is the perfect complement to other forms of natural therapies and body-work and is particularly suited to Kinesiology, where conscious awareness is engaged as issues are handled directly.   Then Facial Harmony as a follow up releases the memory of the stress from the face muscles that were part of the issue Kinesiology has rebalanced in the body.

After a body Facial Harmony enhances the wonderful sense of wellbeing that only a massage can bring.
Facial Harmony as Relaxation and Meditation

When life stresses build up and energy goes down the ability to relax can be a health and relationship saver.  How we think, communicate and behave when stressed is a far cry from how we interact when relaxed, at peace within, calm, and contented.

Facial Harmony is a gentle way to lull your body and nervous system into a relaxed state, taking you deeper each time you experience this process.  It relaxes the mind and nervous system, allowing the brain rhythms to slow down out of rushing active beta rhythms, down into the slower rhythms of alpha and theta.

This is the arena of meditation, where you are at peace with your world and yourself.  This is precious time for anchoring a pattern or restfulness that your body remembers and returns to with greater ease.

Cumulative experiences of Facial Harmony release your deeper nature, your creative self, your hidden talents, your intuitive insights, your innate capacities.  Life can open in quite a new way, out of inner certainty and connection to your original state of being, a totally different state from daily hassles.

You deserve such an experience, to uncover the real you under the “cope at all costs” you, the “have to keep going” you, the “I can’t let others down” you.

Book yourself in for a Facial Harmony experience and revel in the discovery of the best of you hidden under the stress.  Take that rediscovered feeling into daily life – calm, relaxed, rested, rejuvenated, at peace, looking and feeling younger, fresher, lighter.

For your one hour appointment contact:

Anna McRobert

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