Brain Integration Technique For Great Expectations

In 9 steps you can align with your future.

Here’s a technique to help you integrate the “where you want to be brain”, the big picture brain with the “how to get there brain”, details and steps brain.

  1. Stand up and put your feet together.  Put one hand on your forehead and the other on the back of your head covering the fullest part.
  2. Now take a breath in and out and put your feet apart.  Bring your hands down and don’t move your feet.  This is a little trick so your brain thinks you are still holding specific acupuncture points and areas (tell you more about that another time).
  3. Turn your left hand palm up.  Imagine you are holding your Right Brain in your left hand.  This is the big picture brain.  This is the non-judgmental brain, it sees and records all and stores it without needing to decide if it is right or wrong, or good or bad, or important or not, or possible or not.
  4. Turn your right hand palm up.  Imagine you are holding your Left Brain in your right hand.  This is the details brain, the comparing brain, the brain that decides what to do and how to do it based on what is stored in you memory from past experience.
  5. Hold your arms out wide at shoulder height and keeping your eyes straight ahead.  Check you can just see your arms in your peripheral vision.  If not, adjust and bring them slightly forward till you can see them out of the corner of your eyes, while your eyes are looking straight ahead.
  6. Slowly bring your outstretched arms towards centre front where your eyes are looking.
  7. Be aware that your left hand is linked to your right brain, big picture, and your right hand is linked to your left brain, details and steps, as you slowly bring your straight arms together in front of your eyes, and deliberately watch your fingers interlace.
  8. Imagine the two brains interlinking as you watch your fingers cross through and lace together.  Cross your thumbs too. How you put things together expresses the unique you, honouring your left and right brain’s ability to create and integrate in a unique and original way.

9.  Turn your hands over so you are seeing the back of your integrated fingers where the fingers of your left hand/right brain cross the midline into the territory of the left brain.  And the fingers of your right hand/left brain cross into the territory of your left brain.
Take a deep breath and breathe out.  You have completed the integration process once.

Do this several times till you feel comfortable looking at your hands/brains integrating on the visual midline in front of you.  Sometimes this may take several attempts to have this happen.

Reinforce this daily as you prepare and plan and take the steps towards the outcome you want.  Use this technique on any goal you set for yourself.

We can have great expectations of ourselves and live up to them and even enjoy the whole journey from here to there.

Have fun


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