The Every Day Miracle – Healing & Regeneration

Healing happens all the time, naturally, and generally it is out of our conscious awareness. The body takes care of itself day in, day out. If your body wants you to know of a problem, you experience symptoms of pain or discomfort. That’s a message from your body to your brain and to you.

Pain and other symptoms are to make you aware of trouble. They are your body and brain’s request for support to sort out a disturbance, to slow down and check in, gather resources, and direct energy to healing and rebalancing.

We know nerves are communication lines between body and brain and are essential for tissue regeneration, yet I was surprised to read nerves carry no message during the healing process itself. How curious! When nerve endings are destroyed at the extremities for example, as can happen with diabetes, the limb fails to repair or heal, gangrene sets in, and amputation becomes necessary to save the patient.

That’s a scary prospect. I watched my mother go through this. She refused to take into consideration her poor circulation or blood sugar imbalances and ended up in hospital with a very painful foot. Gangrene was setting in. The doctors were planning to remove her whole foot if she did not respond to blood thinners to improve circulation. In the end she had her big toe removed as reversing the damage reached an impasse and the toe had to go.

So how is it that nerves are essential yet not part of the healing? What else is involved? How does healing happen?
Research into the steps the cells go through to heal is on going. My interest was peaked by the research into the electrical input in the whole process. Being a kinesiologist for almost 30 years now, and working with meridians and acupuncture points, I am particularly interested in our electromagnetic nature and the role of energy flow in healing.

Correction procedures I learned through Three In One Concepts Kinesiology required me to test if a positive or a negative or a neutral input was required at specific acupuncture points. To do this I would touch an acupuncture point with one finger only, then with the next finger only, which would be the opposite polarity, then both fingers together, which was neutral. Whichever touch reversed the muscle indicator was the polarity required to create change. So I knew the body could be very specific in what electrical input it required for energy to move and for healing to take place.

Robert Becker MD had his laboratory activities in the 60s and 70s written up by Gary Seldon in their book The Body Electric, Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life. The San Francisco Chronicle review was, “an astounding and thought provoking book” and I agree. Let me share a little of this work.

Western medicine has focused on the biochemistry of the body since the Second World War. “Modern medicine’s … cures too often have turned out to be double-edged swords, later producing a secondary disease,” to quote Robert Becker.
But there is a lot more to our body than biochemistry. “… there appears to be one fundamental force that heals, although the myriad schools of medicine all have their favourite ways of cajoling it into action.”

The brain and parts of our spine are positively charged and the extremities of our body are negatively charged. The further towards the extremities the more negative the charge. Amazingly a damaged area of the body changes polarity from negative to positive initially, for the first few days after injury, to breakdown the damaged tissue and remove all debris. That is the job of our white cells, phagocytes. They are actually part of our immune system and break down foreign invaders like bacteria.

The white cells having done their job and cleaned up the area, the polarity now changes from positive to negative to begin the regeneration process. Without this polarity change healing does not proceed.

And all this happens in the local area, with cells doing what is needed, with no neuron activity involved. How amazing!
… more on how the meridian system is involved next time.
Anna McRobert

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