Are You Too Old To Learn?

Has it been many years since you undertook specific new learning?
Are you too old to learn? Is it too late?
Is the brain set up for learning only when we are young?
What about memory, does it really get worse as we get older?

These are some of the questions that come up when adults of all ages, from 20s to 70s, take on learning Touch For Health Kinesiology.

Lets get some things straight first. If at your first attempt to learn something new you feel awkward and uncomfortable – that’s a good sign. You are in your learning mode. If it was easy and comfortable you would be using existing brain networks and programs, still in your comfort zone, and not stepping out into new territory. Congratulations for your bravery!

How old do you feel when you are feeling awkward and uncomfortable? Please be aware, what this new learning right now can do is put you back into early childhood when you first discovered that you couldn’t do something and felt inadequate, or slow, or out of step with others, or behind in some way. It usually goes with criticism or judgment by a parent or other authority like a teacher, or a sibling, or someone, or even yourself.

So if new learning was a stress to you when you were little then you will play out that stress pattern again now. You will feel as helpless and inadequate as when you were three or five or seven or whatever. All your confidence, built up over many years of doing things, increasing your ability and mastering skills … will disappear … in an instant … as if you have never learned a thing since early childhood. Just note, as soon as you feel like a child you may also readily behave like a child.

Be aware – just know – that’s a good sign. You are being real. That part is good. The feeling of incompetence is real. It feels awful, but its real – recognize it – acknowledge it – own it – welcome it.. “Wow! That’s amazing! That’s how I felt as a child.” “How awful for me back then.” “And its come back, emotions, body sensations and all”. As soon as you do that you, the adult you is back in charge and compassion for the little you is on line and available.

What has surfaced is the memory of the you of long ago who needed reassurance but was too scared to ask for it, or didn’t know how or had no verbal skills to ask, or didn’t have anyone around who understood how bad it felt and how to help you. That’s why you are doing TFH now – to learn the skills that would have made growing up less traumatic and more enjoyable.

Welcome to Touch For Health. Welcome to new learning.

Now let me remind you that with your basic TFH 1 skills you can deal with it:

– evaluate how stressful this situation is for you, 0 to 10
– take a deep breath in … and breathe out slowly
– put your hand on your forehead, take another breath in … and out
– now tell your front brain under your hand the feelings you are dealing with right now
– how it feels, what part of the body is feeling it, the degree of discomfort, what it reminds you of in the past, where were you then, who pops up in your mind as part of the recall …
– and any sounds, sights, sensations, smells or tastes.
– take a deep breath in … and slowly out
– tell your front brain again about your discomfort and what it seems connected to
– do this several more times, with a full breathe in and out at the end of each recall
– now check in and re-evaluate the stress level compared with at the beginning
– if you still feel uncomfortable, do this process again.

– if you feel calmer, you are ready to explore what you want to experience instead
– look for a time in your memories when you did actually learn easily, without feeling judged, and as you took all the time appropriate to you.
– example: when you learned to walk, fell down multiple times, failed to walk without being concerned about the failure, just had another go … until you mastered walking.
– Or when you learned to feed yourself, or brush your teeth, or dress yourself, or ride a bike, or … many skills everyone of us had to learn through trial and error, till we got it, in our own time.

– acknowledge you have very effectively gone through the process of learning new skills and information
– visualize yourself in the future, how you look having mastered the learning, notice how confident and at ease you look, how easily the words flow out as you explain what you are doing, how readily you gain cooperation and agreement with your participant, how well you work together
– go through this scene several times

– take a deep breathe … and breathe out slowly …
– and bring your awareness back to now, rub your feet on the floor, look around the room,
– re-evaluate how you feel about new learning
– know you can revisit this scene any time you feel like a boost, hold your forehead as you do that.

You now have access your whole brain to support you in your learning endeavours.

Have a whole TFH balance on a goal like “I easily and readily learn new information/concepts/ techniques (whatever you need right now) engaging my curiosity with great enjoyment.” This will align 14 meridian energy system with your goal. Swap with a fellow student or go see a kinesiologist with the skills to help you through it all.
Have fun

Are You Destined For A Health Breakdown?

How stressed are you? What is it that tells you that you are stressed? Are you destined for a health breakdown?

Do you recognize your stress in your impatience and irritability, in the sinking feeling or the emotional numbness that comes on or in the explosion of anger, in the headache that gets worse as the deadline gets closer, by the tension in your muscles, the shoulder pain when you feel you can’t carry any more load, the back ache when you feel unsupported so feel the strain of having to do everything yourself?

It seems that many of us are so used to being in some degree of stress that we don’t even recognize it any more. It has become our norm, and we only register when the stress increases above our usual level.

Alexander Loyd, PhD, ND, and Ben Johnson MD, DO, NMD tested hundreds of people in various parts of the world using the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) test, the ‘gold standard’ medical test for measuring stress in the autonomic nervous system.

Heart Rate Variability test has been used for over 30 years in mainstream medicine and is in the same category as CT scans and MRIs that create images of internal structures.

You cannot have good heart function and poor nerve system function. So monitoring the heart rate variability (the more varied the better) gives immediate feedback on the state of your Autonomic Nervous System too. And your ANS controls and co-ordinates all organs and cells in your body. So this is a reliable way of measuring stress in the body.

As Loyd and Johnson were doing the Heart Rate Variability testing a fascinating and relevant phenomenon emerged. Before testing they would ask people “Are you stressed?” About 50 percent of people replied “yes” and 50 percent replied “no”.

But, of the 50 percent who replied “no”, their Heart Rate Variability test showed that 90 percent of them registered as stressed!!! They didn’t realize their nervous system was working in stress mode!

Over all, that means 95 percent of people they tested were stressed! But only just over half knew it. The others were totally unaware of their state.

That’s scary. Prolonged stress plays havoc with energy and health. As time goes along 95 percent of us could be destined for a health breakdown. The weakest health link can break and become a health issue. This is a possible future for 95 percent of people right now. Are you one of them?

It really pays to know your stress level consciously, as then you can take steps to reduce stress, influence your destiny and stay on the track for wellness. Is there a way to ensure you are not destined for a health breakdown? If there is, what is it?

Stress is at the root of every problem, emotional and physical,” according to Alexander Loyd, PhD, ND, and Ben Johnson MD, DO, NMD. They co-authored The Healing Code and provide their evidence to support this bold statement. To natural therapists the world over, this is the underlying belief that guides their approach to supporting clients to get better.

Kinesiology health care practitioners focus is on reducing stress and activating the energy production that improves the body’s functioning. Loyd and Johnson articulated that when stressed the nervous system is in defence mode, directing its resources to defending against an enemy or escaping a life threatening circumstance.

This means the body’s everyday functioning is on emergency energy rations, minimal, just ticking over. Your digestion and elimination is shut down, your reproductive system is shut down, your immune system is shut down. There is no point in defending internal cells if the outer world threat could kill you in an instant. We are set up to “fight the tiger or run from it.” When the stress has passed, then body functions can return to normal.

Prolonged stress is prolonged shut down of digestion and elimination. That means ability to extract nutrition from food is very limited. Elimination becomes sluggish and pollution builds up inside cells and around cells. Your cells are suffocating in toxic waste with too little oxygen or nutrition for efficient performance. Cells get more and more sluggish and eventually become sick. You become sick.

Prolonged stress is prolonged shut down of immune response. Energy is funneled to protecting from a real or perceived enemy when under stress and little is allocated to inside invaders like bacteria or virus. You become run down and susceptible to colds and flu and tummy bugs and everything going round.

Prolonged stress is prolonged energy focus on “the enemy” be that deadlines, peoples opinions or expectations, day to day demands, too little time and too much to do.

If you live every day stressed to your eyeballs, or even mildly stressed all day, you will not fully digest your breakfast or lunch, you will not extract necessary nutrients out of your food, you will be drawing on emergency rations without realizing the cumulative impact on your wellness.

So stress is an energy problem. Under stress your energy is withdrawn from running your body efficiently, from repairing and replacing worn out cells, from destroying unfriendly bacteria and other cellular invaders, from optimum energy use in cells for fueling and maintaining your “vehicle” in a state of wellness.

Only when stress has passed can your body return to catch up on internal housekeeping tasks. If stress is continuous and there is no respite there will be breakdown in the most vulnerable system and now the body and you are in trouble.

So if scientists are right and at least half of us, or maybe all of us at different times, are unaware of how much stress our body and nervous system is registering, how can you check your stress level? How can you discover from the body, and not just the conscious mind, what level of stress you are carrying on any issue or situation or experience in your life at any given time?

Well, thank goodness, you don’t need to invest in a Heart Rate Variable test machine. There is another way that is safe, easy and effective.

Kinesiology Muscle response testing for stress

A readily available alternative to Heart Rate Variability testing for stress level is to use Kinesiology muscle response testing.

Often when gathering information from a client in a clinic session, some event may be mentioned in passing as having been dealt with already and no longer a problem. I often suggest we muscle test to ensure the body memory has been cleared of the stress. All too often muscle testing shows a high percentage of stress still exists in the body, remaining in the subconscious, waiting to be triggered by a sound, a voice, a word, a song, a comment, a look, a smell, a body position, an environment – and the old stress or wound opens again.

It takes energy to keep a lid on those memories. As the years go by more and more of our energy is locked up in the job of keeping certain memories of pain and hurt and helplessness and fears below awareness level so that we can get on with every day life. But there is a cost for this protection from old pain. We have less energy for present day living. Stress is an energy drain, even when it is out of our awareness.

Take the steps to develop your awareness, to recognize how the body “tells” you of stress building up, and learn which stress reduction strategies work for you. Then develop the habit of regularly taking time out for your self to consciously de-stress.

Meditation, yoga, martial arts, singing, dancing, toning, music, painting – there are many ways to move your energy and find an expression for the subconscious aspects of your life experiences.

Touch For Health Kinesiology provides specific energy balancing strategies and emotional stress release techniques and you can muscle test to ensure your body and nervous system are actually able to respond to the strategies being applied. You can easily and readily reduce stress with TFH and align your energy with your goals and dreams.

Protect your health and ensure you are not destined for a health breakdown.
Register now to learn Touch For Health or make an appointment for a Kinesiology balance.

Stress is an Energy Drain

Most people recognize stress is an energy drain. But not all people realize that means, in their body, they are taking energy away from normal internal organ body functions and redirecting their energy to fight or flight defence activity. That is THE number one detrimental impact on their long-term health.

The problem we all face is that the longer the stress remains the longer your digestion, elimination, and immune system and other functions are running on emergency rations of energy.

This is being validated by science today as finally the medical field is acknowledging the role of energy in overall health, and most especially in degenerative diseases.

So what can you do when stress is such a big part of daily life for many people? Teaching Touch For Health Kinesiology workshops since 1982 I draw attention to the fact that energy to specific cells and organs will be low over a long time before tissue actually breaks down and becomes a health issue. This is exactly why regular TFH balancing of meridian energy is so valuable as this supports and maintains cell efficiency and thus prevents health breakdown.

Questions to Consider
Why is energy always low for some people?
What keeps their energy down and prevents it building up?
Why do some people have high energy most of the time?
What keeps their energy high?

The answers come out of two general considerations:
– genetically inherited health predispositions
– and self-created energy drain.

Statistics show that only about 5 percent of people actually have a genetically inherited health defect. That points to 95 percent of health issues really being self created problems. Predispositions may be inherited but they are not activated as a problem until we create the internal environment that makes it difficult, if not impossible, for the cells in the weakest organs to do their job effectively.

Cells Demonstrate The Body’s Truth
Dr Bruce Lipton clearly demonstrated with his research that internal cell environment is the key to cell health and cell energy production. He wrote about his research experiments in his book The Biology of Belief.

Dr Lipton put cells in petri dishes and recorded his observations of what cells did in the environment he provided. When the dish environment became polluted with the cell’s waste material, the cell became less and less able to function effectively. The cell became sluggish and progressively more sick. It was suffocating in toxic waste.
Bruce Lipton writes that no amount of medication could get the cell well. When he transferred the sick cell to a clean petri dish, the cell was able to clear out the build up of toxicity within, become well, and function normally again.

It did what cells are designed to do. The cell healed itself. Where medication failed to heal the ailing cell, simply providing a clean environment and necessary nutrition, created the miracle we all take for granted. This is the miracle of self-healing, naturally programmed within each cell in each of us.

We Are Walking Miracles
The cells, organs and tissues of our body are designed to self-heal. What we are required to do is provide the nutrition, including oxygen and water, and eliminate the waste daily to keep the cell environment clean. Then the cell can generate the energy it needs for efficient and effective function. It can stay healthy and productive.

Why has this been ignored or kept a secret by medical professionals for so long? Why is every symptom prescribed a medication instead of prescribing a cleansing process for the specific organ and body in general as a first step for health solutions?

Medication does not make internal or external cell environment healthy. It does not address the cause creating the problem, cell pollution, and it is this pollution that is the breeding ground for health problems.

First Things First
For a healthy cell environment we need oxygen, water and movement.

Every time you breathe in fully and breathe out fully you are eliminating waste gases and particles. This is how you clean the cells and tissues of your lungs and also support the elimination of waste via the lymphatic system. Every cell in your body relies on oxygen for energy production. Polluted cells with low oxygen produce low energy, function poorly and become unhealthy. We all need optimum oxygen supply for optimum health.
Amazingly we are actually mostly water. Your body consists of 70% water. That’s important for you to remember for your vitality. When dehydrated the functions that happen in this fluid medium are hampered and you will feel sluggish.

Your brain is 80% water. When you can’t think straight, have a drink of water. This dilutes the waste and the action of drinking water will create some movement somewhere. Nod your head a few times, turn it side to side and you are contributing to activating the lymphatic clearance of your brain, face and neck.

We are designed to be physically active and when you sit for hours in front of a desk, or a wheel, or a computer screen, or cell phone, you are stressing cells in your body by letting waste accumulate and choke the energy production capacity of your cells. This is self-created cellular stress. And stress is an energy drain.

Movement of your muscles provides the pumping action to gather the cellular waste into the waste collection system, your lymphatic system, and process it through lymph nodes. The lymphatic fluids with disintegrated wastes is added to your venous blood, taken to your liver for filtering, cleansing and elimination.

Continuous waste disposal requires continuous movement. Limited movement creates a stagnant pile up of your cell wastes leaving cells struggling to produce energy and stay healthy. Movement is essential for health.

Health Issues Running in the Family
Dr Bruce Lipton also discovered we are not at the mercy of our inherited genetic programs. We deteriorate only when we set up the internal environment that will switch on the genetic weakness in our DNA assembly. Keeping the cell environment at optimum means our cells stay healthy in spite of any programs that could predispose you to specific health issues.

More evidence is coming forward that it is not the genetic programs themselves that make us sick. It is what we do or don’t do, based on our beliefs and behaviours that result. This includes the food we choose to eat, the physical activity in our day, the thoughts that increase or decrease our energy, and the attitudes and stress that creates in our nervous system.

If we duplicate and live out the beliefs and attitudes of our parents we will create the same internal environment that triggers the same health problems that they have. It is up to us to decide the environment, physical, mental, emotional, nutritional, that we choose to provide out body with that will determine the health we have.

The Bottom Line
Stress is an energy drain. Reducing the stress and lifting your energy is the solution. Identifying and clearing the blocks to creating energy puts you in the powerful position of choosing the level of energy you want in your life. The more energy you have the easier it is to tackle any task and move towards the outcomes you want in your life, solving any problems that come up as we go.

When your energy is high then the need for healthy exercise is easy to honour and can be enjoyable to boot. Cooking healthy meals can be creative and fun. Interacting with optimistic, solution oriented people buoys you up too. Reviewing beliefs to weed out those that no longer serve and being open to new options can take you a long way to creating the health and the life you really want.

How To Know the Best for Your Body
So, how to identify and clear the blocks to creating more energy? Breathe, drink water, move – and learn to identify what is best for your unique body.

Gather some tools to assist you. Touch For Health muscle response testing is a valuable tool to:
– Discover how to identify which foods drop your energy, which foods maintain or support and which foods increase your energy
– Learn how to activate organ cellular waste collection through moving specific muscles so your cells can do their best unhampered and be healthy
– Learn which muscles to move to pump lymph waste from your feet all the way up the body
– learn the life and energy enhancing basics
– learn how to communicate with left and right brain for reliable feedback.

Stress is an energy drain. Discover how kinesiology muscle response testing and corrections can reduce your stress and lift your energy, and learn how to do that for your family and those you care about too.

Register now for Touch For Health workshops or make an appointment to experience effective Kinesiology muscle testing and corrections.

Don’t Sit Around, Move

When was the last time you heard that exercise was important for a healthy heart? It’s not new news by any means. We have been encouraged by experts to exercise regularly, to at least go for a walk 20 to 30 minutes 5 days a week. The clear and consistent message is don’t sit around, move.

The Turnaround – Now there’s another bit of information to adjust to as well. We’re now told exercise done only as half to a one-hour time block doesn’t protect you from degenerative heart disease after all. Neither does it prevent diabetes as you age. It seems too much sitting increases heart disease, and that specifically prolonged periods of sitting are not counterbalanced by a daily block of time devoted to exercise.

So if you go to the gym before work, or after work, but spend 8.30am to 12.30pm sitting in front of a computer, go to lunch, and resume sitting 1.30pm to 5.30pm, you are in potential trouble. With prolonged time blocks sitting with minimal movement you increase your heart disease risk by 50 to 80 per cent, in spite of the hour at the gym or walking the streets, according to the latest reports.

The Research – US Professor Marc Hamilton, a biomedical sciences expert from Pennington Biomedical Research Centre said “Tests showed signs of pre-diabetes in people who exercised moderately and weren’t obese, after just one day of sitting. They tested healthy on another day, when pottering around or standing for 75 percent of the day.”

So it looks like the secret is to keep moving, just pottering about, reaching, sitting, standing, leaning against the wall at the water cooler, dithering in the kitchen making a cup of tea, even rummaging in the filing cabinet, or standing up to answer the phone and read the paper.

Being on your feet for 75 per cent of your day goes a lot further towards health benefits than just one hour at the gym followed by seven or eight hours sitting at work and then another three or four hours sitting in front of the TV at home. Big blocks of time being sedentary increases health dangers, especially those relating to heart and blood sugar issues, even in lean people.

Good Idea – Ages back I came across a bit of good advice. Put your computer up on a shelf or on a bench top and stand to do your computer work. For a start, standing makes you more alert than sitting does. You can also do a bit of pacing as you plan and plot your next campaign and while talking on your mobile.

Clearing and Cleaning Cell Waste – There are good reasons why frequent use of big muscles in your legs and butt, as well as little muscles, keeps your insides healthier.

Frequent movement of muscles keeps your internal fluids waste disposal system pumping through filtering stations scattered all through your body. These filtering stations separate out the debris out of the fluids gathered from around cells. Then special cells generated in the filtering stations go to work and disintegrate these particles so they can be flushed out of your body effectively, leaving your cellular fluid environment clean and clear.
(for more details on this process see my article Your Body’s Clever Elimination System)

Keeping your feet moving will pump cell waste products up from your feet all the way past the groin area, usually constricted while you are sitting, to your belly area to a main collection channel. Further waste is collected from cells of various organs and delivered to the main channel that continues up within your torso.

The propelling mechanism is now the rhythmic pressure of internal muscles, especially your breathing, again much easier when standing than sitting, to deliver your lymph waste fluids higher still, into your venus blood system, just under the collarbones.

This combined fluid goes through the normal blood cleansing process. The clearing and cleansing process is much easier when you are on your feet and moving, and prevents fluid building up and pooling in your feet and legs, so common on long trips by car or plane when you are stuck in a seat for some hours.

Muscles Provide Pumping Action For Cellular Waste – Your heart is the pump that propels your blood flow round your body continuously, whether you are sitting, standing or lying down. Your cellular waste disposal system, your lymphatic system, however, relies on muscles of your body contracting and releasing rhythmically to provide the pumping action to drive the waste laden lymphatic fluids, through miles of channels, via filtering stations, eventually to the liver for detoxing.

Sitting around for long periods makes it harder to perform this task and contributes to stiffness in joints and muscles and feeling sluggish and tired by the end of the day.

State Of Mind Can Reflect State Of Body – Have you noticed that people who are depressed or feeling flat will often not move much, become more and more sluggish, unable to move or unwilling to move. They are condemning their cells to operating in a polluted fluid environment, virtually suffocating in their own wastes. That person feels worse and worse, functionally and mentally and emotionally.

Encourage them to move, walk, do something physical. This will help clear lymph waste and also improve blood flow, deliver nutrition to cells, bring fresh oxygen to tissues and to their brain, so they will feel better. It is one of the most reliable basic ways to move out of a stuck mental state. Minimum movement for prolonged periods of time allows pollution to build up in our internal spaces including our brain, joints, muscles and organs. We become very sluggish, slowed down, depressed in fact.

All functions are depressed when the body is polluted.

Stimulate Meridian Energy Flow – As well as preventing a buildup of toxic waste in your cells and lymphatic system, every move you make, with your hands, arms, shoulders, feet, legs, hips, your torso, your breathing, engages different parts of your meridian energy system, ensuring efficient delivery of energy to all your external muscles and internal functions.

Regularly moving, even for a few minutes at a time, will help to keep your circulation moving, your lymph clearing, your lungs breathing more fully, as well as your energy meridians flowing. Focused exercise builds strength and endurance and serves to keep all muscles toned with spare capacity for emergencies. “Sitting too much is not the same as exercising too little,” says Dr Marc Hamilton.
We are designed to move so don’t sit around, move.

Kinesiology – Report From Tools Of The Trade Workshop

As always I am humbled, honoured and excited by students who are willing to discover the source of what makes them tick and what creates stress in their lives so they can learn and apply strategies to make their future more fulfilling.

Three in One Concepts were way ahead of their time when they wrote their introductory workshop Tools Of The Trade. The defusion process includes identifying the emotional pattern from their Behavioral Barometer and tracing it back to when it was first created or to the age of best understanding using muscle stress testing. The belief that creates the emotional stress pattern is always in an earlier time when our choices were limited compared with now. Changing that belief as part of the defusion changes the present and the future.

Candace Pert, neuroscientist, pharmacologist, molecular biologist, and author or Molecules of Emotion, continues to study psychoneuroimmunology, a science that studies the link between the mind and the body. After experiencing Three In One Concepts work, her comment was that “the method is leading edge.”

Bruce Lipton, scientist, cellular biologist, and author of Biology of Belief, writes about Epigenetics, our ability to influence gene expression by changing cell environment. Our thoughts and beliefs set the cell environment. Change your beliefs and you change the expression of genes.

“This breakthrough in biology is fundamental in all healing for it recognizes that when we change our perception or beliefs we send totally different messages to our cells and reprogram their expression. The new-biology reveals why people can have spontaneous remissions or recover from injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities.”

Attending a presentation by Bruce Lipton he said during a discussion after the presentation he had gained much benefit from working with kinesiology.

Alvaro Pascual-Leone is a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School and director of the Centre for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. He says, “The brain changes with anything you do, including any thoughts you might have.”

Congratulations to the students who have just completed Tools of The Trade Workshop, the introduction to Three In One Concepts Kinesiology. I am looking forward to learning more with you.

Where Does Your Energy Go?

Have you ever wondered where does your energy go? One energy drain is stress, especially unresolved long-term stress. Prolonged stress is debilitating, whether it’s at work or at home or within relationships.

And at the same time we also have a physical body to maintain. Within the body we continually repair and replace cells damaged or worn out through normal daily wear and tear. This takes significant amount of our energy. So how do we all manage the task?

You are circulating trillions of red blood cells through your circulatory system and all these blood cells are replaced every three months at the rate of 2.4 million per second. The entire lining of your small and large intestine is replaced every 2 to 3 days. Your whole skin surface turns over every 30 or so days. Different tissues have their own cycle for replacement to maintain optimum function. Every night while you sleep there is much work being done throughout your body.

Bruce Lipton, cell biologist, studied cell behaviour. He observed that cells in a petri dish would propel themselves towards life sustaining nutrients that he would add to their dish, and when he added toxic substances the cells moved as far from the toxins as possible. And this activity was happening while isolated from their cellular community within a body, without being connected to a brain or a nervous system. Our cells are very aware of their environment and make intelligent choices in given situations.

Its not just single cells that behaviour this way. We humans, just like our cells, are each individual and part of communities and also engage in these life-sustaining behaviours of moving towards people and environments that will nourish us and away from harm.

But cells cannot move toward and away from a stimuli simultaneously. The two actions cannot operate at the same time. We humans also cannot move towards and away from at the same time. We have to choose a direction and act on it. When we don’t choose and act on our choice, feel helpless, stuck and stagnant, the result is continuous stress. That’s where our energy goes.

You summon all your energy for survival during fight or flight reaction, when in danger or under stress, closing down your digestion and elimination to redirect your energy to defence and protection. Being in survival mode prevents growth activity and also prevents production of more energy. The stress consumes energy without replacing it leaving you depleted.

Depending on the degree of stress or perceived danger, not all your 50 trillion cells will be engaged in the survival mode at once. Reducing your stress will allow you to establish a new base.

How can you reduce your stress? Previous articles have provided self-help strategies and when self-help is not enough, go see a professional to get you started. Kinesiology provides many ways to reduce stress using your muscle response as the guide to what works best for you. I’ve experienced it many times for myself and helped clients too. We all get bogged down sometimes. That’s when the energy goes down. It’s amazing how one session can dissolve that stuck feeling and your optimism returns, your creative brain kicks in again, and new options and solutions appear spontaneously.

Now you can begin to build and actively seek stimuli that lifts and increases your energy and brings joy and fulfillment to create optimal growth conditions for body, mind and spirit.

Any time you are wondering where does the energy go might be the cue to make time for yourself for actively reducing stress. Make an appointment and see how easily you can change gear with the right support and guidance.

Why Men Don’t Understand Women

Can he ever get it right for his lady? He could if he reads this little known secret. Current research is showing that our brains have two emotional systems that work together – one is the Mirror Neuron System (MNS) and the other is the Temporal Parietal Junction System (TPJS). Females tend to use one and males favour the other. That sounds like yin and yang in action to me.

Louann Brizendine, MD, in her book The Male Brain, describes when a man sees his woman is distresses, both of his systems for reading emotions switch on. His Mirror Neuron System activates first to briefly feel the same emotional pain he sees on her face. This mirroring is how he feels emotional empathy.

Then quick smart his other emotional system, his Temporal Parietal Junction System (TPHS) switches to analyze-and-fix-it circuits to search his entire brain for solutions. Louann refers to this as the cognitive empathy. The male brain develops a preference for fix-it circuits early and locks this preference in after puberty.

The male’s Temporal Parietal Junction System also prevents another’s emotions from affecting his ability to reason and analyze and find a solution.

Busily working out a logical or practical fix-it solution he will totally miss that she is still in need of empathy and just wants her emotional state recognized and acknowledged.

So instead of being delighted with his immediate and practical solution she bursts into tears. Because he skipped straight into “provide a solution” she thinks he doesn’t understand or care about her feelings. When he can mirror back her feelings to her then she feels he’s got what it is like from her perspective.

He on the other hand, has just come up with the perfect solution and is totally perplexed at her breakdown into tears. His blank face shows clearly he doesn’t understand.

She mirrors his blank face in her own system and knows he is out of sync with her and doesn’t feel her feelings. Her first emotional system, Mirror Neurons, is still on and active while he is already operating in his second emotional system, fix it mode, Temporal Parietal Junction System. Her brain takes longer to move into fix-it circuitry. And it could all be to do with estrogen and testosterone.

Another woman will time the empathy phase much better, encouraging the verbal outpouring of the feelings, before going into solution possibilities.

So what is a man to do? Can he ever get it right for his lady? If he just acknowledges the emotional distress first she can feel validated and be more receptive to his solutions. “I can see it is really distressing for you,” or “I know how you feel,” would allow her to be more receptive to his ideas for a solution.

Try it guys. Tell me what happens.

Anna McRobert

The Brain/Body Connection

I am fascinated by how versatile we are in terms of ways to get better.

We can improve our wellbeing by working with the physical body, through exercise, massage, touch; can improve the biochemical body through unprocessed organically grown foods and herbs, clean water, natural spring water; can improve our mental body through education, mentoring, reading, meditation; can improve our emotional body through visualization, guided journeys, meridian tapping, kinesiology, and a myriad of natural therapy approaches.

And yet it is what we think, based on what we believe, that is in our control moment to moment every day.  What we think has a massive impact on every cell in our body.  And it’s cumulative over the years.

We know that the mind and body are like parallel universes.  Anything that happens in the mental universe must leave tracks in the physical one.”

PET (positron-emission tomography) was used to scan of the brain and track tagged glucose injected into the blood stream to give three dimensional picture of thoughts.

“Watching … while the brain thinks, scientists saw that each distinct event in the universe of mind – such as a sensation of pain or a strong memory – triggers a new chemical pattern in the brain, not just at a single site but at several.  The (PET) image looks different for every thought, and if one could extend the portrait to be full-length, there is no doubt that the whole body changes at the same time, thanks to the cascades of neuro-transmitters and related messenger molecules.”

“As you see it right now your body is the physical picture in 3-D of what you are thinking. … the whole body quite obviously projects thoughts. We literally read other people’s minds from the constant play of their facial expressions; without marking it, we also register the thousand fold gestures of body language as a sign of their moods and intentions toward us.”

“… many physical changes that thinking causes are unnoticeable.  They involve minute alterations of cell chemistry, body temperature, electrical charge, blood pressure and so on… the body is fluid enough to mirror any mental event.  Nothing can move without moving the whole.”

What that all means is every thought has repercussions as a chemical change throughout the brain and body along with a change in electrical activity among others.

“… each distinct event … triggers a new chemical pattern in the brain … the (PET) image looks different for every thought … your body is the physical picture in 3-D of what your are thinking … the whole body quite obviously projects thoughts…”

Wow!  Scientists proved this years ago.   I‘ve just quoted Deepak Chopra from his book Quantum Healing published back in 1989, pages 69 and 71.  It’s worth reading the whole book for much more research and acknowledgement about how we tick.

Other scientific research since then has continued to back up what we in natural therapies have known and honoured in our work for years by drawing on ancient wisdom from many cultures – that we are holistic multi-dimentional beings – physical, biochemical, mental, emotional, energetic, social, spiritual beings, and that whatever happens on one level will effect every other level too.

If you want to learn how to read the body language and facial expressions, ask a woman.  It’s scientifically proven females do it better, although Allan Pease did it very well, and with great entertainment value, on his TV show years ago.  And his books are very educational too.

If you want to know what each feature of the face indicates in terms of innate preferences, do the workshops from Three In One Concepts that focus on Structure/Function, the science of how you are structured to function.  These will provide insight to when and how beliefs were formed that trip us up in our emotional realm, and make it difficult to recognize the innate strengths that are ours to engage in our life journey.

The Three In One Concepts workshops open the view to the life were meant to lead the life that would engage your innate capacities.  I invite you to begin the journey through Three In One Concepts workshops, starting with Tools of the Trade, and find the original you and your structure that shows the way to find fulfillment.

Contact me for dates.


Anna McRobert

Stress Less to Lose Weight

Linda Drummond wrote in the Sunday Mail on 6th June, “ If your excess weight won’t budge, getting your anxiety levels under control could help.” It makes sense to me.

We were never meant to be in constant stress.  In the animal kingdom there is threat to life and limb when animals are stalked or do the stalking, or fight for mating rights.  But these threats come and go fairly quickly.  Once an animal escapes, or the threat passes, or the challenge is won or lost, there is a return to the non-stressed state.

Human beings are very clever.  It seem we have worked out how to remain in a stressed state non-stop, day in day out, for days, weeks, months or even years.  It’s either the job we don’t like or the in-laws we can’t get on with, or the promotion we missed, or the mortgage payments, or noisy neighbours, or a partner who doesn’t understand us, or teenage kids that rule the roost, or something.

We could fight the physical attackers but our stresses like worry or fear are emotional so we can’t resolve them physically.  Many of us try to keep busy or to run away from the problems, but that doesn’t resolve things either.  And some of us are just frozen, unable to fight or run, just get stuck.

Our body was not designed to withstand continuous stress.  “One of the things that stress does is release stress hormones cortisol and neuropeptide Y,” says Dr Sainsbury-Salis.  “Cortisol acts directly on your fat deposits, causing you to gain fat around the belly.” Cortisol receptors in your abdomen are ready and waiting to store fat in case of famine or another life-threatening situation.

And further, “Cortisol gives you a higher preference for addictive behaviours and makes high-fat and high-sugar foods much more attractive.” Dr Sainsbury-Salis says.  And further still, for many, stress hormones trigger the hypothalamus in the brain to increase hunger so they want to eat more.

New research at Garvan Institute found neuropeptide Y “causes the birth of new fat cells (that’s a new admission!), increases new blood vessels to the cells, and generally helps promote their growth and development,” says Dr Sainsbury-Salis.  But this happened only when animals in experiments ate high-fat, high-sugar diets.

Seems there is no way to win in the weight struggle.  Prolonged stress increases appetite for the wrong reason, for the wrong foods, expands the belly readily, and makes more fat cells, escalating threats to health even more – which adds further stress.  It’s now a cycle that loops round and round.

What’s the solution?  Is there one?

The problem started with prolonged stress so that’s where you look to find the solution.   Stress is now a habitual pattern.  Part of the problem is that we actually become addicted to stress hormones and being in a constant state of panic.   And if things get quiet we panic that it can’t last and set off stress anyway.  All that stress slows down your metabolism.

So reducing stress and increasing metabolism can reverse the problem.  How do you do that?  What are your options?  Well, inaction is also part of the problem.  Stress hormones are designed to give extra energy for life saving action.  If you don’t take action and use up the hormones you can’t relax.  Don’t sit on it.  Start moving your body.  Get walking.  Go to the gym.  Take up sport.  Do something physical, regularly, daily.   This will reverse the stress signals and produce feel good hormones instead.

Straight after physical activity it becomes much easier to relax, so consciously add deep breathing while you stretch and elongate muscles to further reverse stress signals.  Your brain is wired to recognize the cluster of stress hormones, plus tension in specific muscles, plus shallow breathing, as one unit.  Move to get energy flowing, use up the hormones with exercise, now breathe deeper and stretch muscles.  Your brain takes each as a signal to reverse the panic, to allow the body to relax more and more.

And use Emotional Stress Release, a Kinesiology technique, to reverse blood flow in the brain.  When distressed blood is redirected to survival programs and withdrawn from executive brain so you can’t think through or create a solution to your problem.  More on that to follow.

Anna McRobert