Stress is an Energy Drain

Most people recognize stress is an energy drain. But not all people realize that means, in their body, they are taking energy away from normal internal organ body functions and redirecting their energy to fight or flight defence activity. That is THE number one detrimental impact on their long-term health.

The problem we all face is that the longer the stress remains the longer your digestion, elimination, and immune system and other functions are running on emergency rations of energy.

This is being validated by science today as finally the medical field is acknowledging the role of energy in overall health, and most especially in degenerative diseases.

So what can you do when stress is such a big part of daily life for many people? Teaching Touch For Health Kinesiology workshops since 1982 I draw attention to the fact that energy to specific cells and organs will be low over a long time before tissue actually breaks down and becomes a health issue. This is exactly why regular TFH balancing of meridian energy is so valuable as this supports and maintains cell efficiency and thus prevents health breakdown.

Questions to Consider
Why is energy always low for some people?
What keeps their energy down and prevents it building up?
Why do some people have high energy most of the time?
What keeps their energy high?

The answers come out of two general considerations:
– genetically inherited health predispositions
– and self-created energy drain.

Statistics show that only about 5 percent of people actually have a genetically inherited health defect. That points to 95 percent of health issues really being self created problems. Predispositions may be inherited but they are not activated as a problem until we create the internal environment that makes it difficult, if not impossible, for the cells in the weakest organs to do their job effectively.

Cells Demonstrate The Body’s Truth
Dr Bruce Lipton clearly demonstrated with his research that internal cell environment is the key to cell health and cell energy production. He wrote about his research experiments in his book The Biology of Belief.

Dr Lipton put cells in petri dishes and recorded his observations of what cells did in the environment he provided. When the dish environment became polluted with the cell’s waste material, the cell became less and less able to function effectively. The cell became sluggish and progressively more sick. It was suffocating in toxic waste.
Bruce Lipton writes that no amount of medication could get the cell well. When he transferred the sick cell to a clean petri dish, the cell was able to clear out the build up of toxicity within, become well, and function normally again.

It did what cells are designed to do. The cell healed itself. Where medication failed to heal the ailing cell, simply providing a clean environment and necessary nutrition, created the miracle we all take for granted. This is the miracle of self-healing, naturally programmed within each cell in each of us.

We Are Walking Miracles
The cells, organs and tissues of our body are designed to self-heal. What we are required to do is provide the nutrition, including oxygen and water, and eliminate the waste daily to keep the cell environment clean. Then the cell can generate the energy it needs for efficient and effective function. It can stay healthy and productive.

Why has this been ignored or kept a secret by medical professionals for so long? Why is every symptom prescribed a medication instead of prescribing a cleansing process for the specific organ and body in general as a first step for health solutions?

Medication does not make internal or external cell environment healthy. It does not address the cause creating the problem, cell pollution, and it is this pollution that is the breeding ground for health problems.

First Things First
For a healthy cell environment we need oxygen, water and movement.

Every time you breathe in fully and breathe out fully you are eliminating waste gases and particles. This is how you clean the cells and tissues of your lungs and also support the elimination of waste via the lymphatic system. Every cell in your body relies on oxygen for energy production. Polluted cells with low oxygen produce low energy, function poorly and become unhealthy. We all need optimum oxygen supply for optimum health.
Amazingly we are actually mostly water. Your body consists of 70% water. That’s important for you to remember for your vitality. When dehydrated the functions that happen in this fluid medium are hampered and you will feel sluggish.

Your brain is 80% water. When you can’t think straight, have a drink of water. This dilutes the waste and the action of drinking water will create some movement somewhere. Nod your head a few times, turn it side to side and you are contributing to activating the lymphatic clearance of your brain, face and neck.

We are designed to be physically active and when you sit for hours in front of a desk, or a wheel, or a computer screen, or cell phone, you are stressing cells in your body by letting waste accumulate and choke the energy production capacity of your cells. This is self-created cellular stress. And stress is an energy drain.

Movement of your muscles provides the pumping action to gather the cellular waste into the waste collection system, your lymphatic system, and process it through lymph nodes. The lymphatic fluids with disintegrated wastes is added to your venous blood, taken to your liver for filtering, cleansing and elimination.

Continuous waste disposal requires continuous movement. Limited movement creates a stagnant pile up of your cell wastes leaving cells struggling to produce energy and stay healthy. Movement is essential for health.

Health Issues Running in the Family
Dr Bruce Lipton also discovered we are not at the mercy of our inherited genetic programs. We deteriorate only when we set up the internal environment that will switch on the genetic weakness in our DNA assembly. Keeping the cell environment at optimum means our cells stay healthy in spite of any programs that could predispose you to specific health issues.

More evidence is coming forward that it is not the genetic programs themselves that make us sick. It is what we do or don’t do, based on our beliefs and behaviours that result. This includes the food we choose to eat, the physical activity in our day, the thoughts that increase or decrease our energy, and the attitudes and stress that creates in our nervous system.

If we duplicate and live out the beliefs and attitudes of our parents we will create the same internal environment that triggers the same health problems that they have. It is up to us to decide the environment, physical, mental, emotional, nutritional, that we choose to provide out body with that will determine the health we have.

The Bottom Line
Stress is an energy drain. Reducing the stress and lifting your energy is the solution. Identifying and clearing the blocks to creating energy puts you in the powerful position of choosing the level of energy you want in your life. The more energy you have the easier it is to tackle any task and move towards the outcomes you want in your life, solving any problems that come up as we go.

When your energy is high then the need for healthy exercise is easy to honour and can be enjoyable to boot. Cooking healthy meals can be creative and fun. Interacting with optimistic, solution oriented people buoys you up too. Reviewing beliefs to weed out those that no longer serve and being open to new options can take you a long way to creating the health and the life you really want.

How To Know the Best for Your Body
So, how to identify and clear the blocks to creating more energy? Breathe, drink water, move – and learn to identify what is best for your unique body.

Gather some tools to assist you. Touch For Health muscle response testing is a valuable tool to:
– Discover how to identify which foods drop your energy, which foods maintain or support and which foods increase your energy
– Learn how to activate organ cellular waste collection through moving specific muscles so your cells can do their best unhampered and be healthy
– Learn which muscles to move to pump lymph waste from your feet all the way up the body
– learn the life and energy enhancing basics
– learn how to communicate with left and right brain for reliable feedback.

Stress is an energy drain. Discover how kinesiology muscle response testing and corrections can reduce your stress and lift your energy, and learn how to do that for your family and those you care about too.

Register now for Touch For Health workshops or make an appointment to experience effective Kinesiology muscle testing and corrections.