When Self Help Is Not Enough

Many day-today upsets can be readily settled with self-help techniques.  You already know the benefits of consciously breathing deeply to relax and release tension in your body.

So, when something or someone triggers your stress button, breathe out first, and then take a deep breath in, and slowly breathe out to give yourself a few moments, “a breather” between trigger and response.

It’s all too easy to let a reaction kick in just out of habit.   Such a reaction happens without thought, without consideration, so it’s how you handled things in the past stored in your memory banks, and may or may not fit your current situation, that is, the specific outcome you want this time, right now.

Giving yourself that breathing space, between trigger and response.   Adding oxygen to the brain at that crucial moment, will often block the reaction, and allow you to consider for an instant what outcome your want – to vent your dissatisfaction or gain co-operation – and respond rather than react.

A Rehearsal
The Emotional Stress Release Technique, detailed in previous articles, can work very well if you know in advance that you will be seeing someone who presses your buttons.  To recap, before the meeting, place your hand on your forehead, and take yourself through what you usually do, how you react to that person or that situation, what you see, hear, say, and the feelings that go with that, at least three times, till you feel calm or grounded.

Now mentally project yourself to your coming meeting.   Keep your hand across your forehead as you do this to maintain front brain creative thinking.

Take yourself, step by step, through how you want to conduct yourself to gain the outcome you want from the meeting coming up, how you want to feel during and at the end of the encounter.  Make sure you include how you will look, the expression on your face, your posture, what you will see, what you will hear, what you will say, as well as how you will feel.  Repeat this several times till it feels familiar.

This rehearsal will stand you in good stead and may be all you need to overcome anxiety, frustration, uncertainty, disappointment etc.

When You Need More Help
Some issues or situations may need more energy and insight to sort out than you can muster on your own.  This is the time to consult with a professional who can support you in finding your way through to the outcome you choose.

Kinesiology muscle testing can pin point your best choice out of an array of options to match the energy of the problem with the appropriate solution.  And it is your own subconscious that guides you to choose the right fit for yourself.

Sometimes two people are better than one.  Working with a kinesiologist combines your two energies into one field and provides a larger energy field from which to spring.  As soon as another person takes a focused interest in your wellbeing, connects with your world and starts muscle testing, your two fields become integrated for the durations of the testing procedure.  This gives your own energy systems a boost so you can achieve much more than on your own.

Talking through an issue often reduces the stress in the moment but does not necessarily provide a solution.  You can’t live anyone else’s life, neither can you live someone else’s solutions.  You have to find your own.  Your body registers your subconscious activity, and recognizes what is in sync with your need.  Muscle testing guides you to bring this matched solution from the subconscious to consciousness.

And testing the percentage of stress before you begin the stress balancing process and again after, lets you track progress and anchors the improvement into your physical memory as well as in your brain’s mental and emotional memory.

With stress level down, ideally to zero, your energy released from maintaining the stress reaction is now available to use for new thinking, for problem solving, and for taking the action to achieve the outcome you want.

Take charge.  Create the life you want.  Use the self help techniques to keep moving and see a professional when the going gets tough.


Anna McRobert