Walking – 50 Benefits in 7 Categories

Walking has many benefits for the body and brain, heart and soul.
Below is a list of 50 benefits in 7 categories:
physical benefits, health benefits, nutritional benefits, emotional benefits, mental and creative benefits, electro-magnetic benefits, economic benefits, and more.

Physical Benefits:
– low impact form of exercise
– gentle on joints and your whole spine
– improves flexibility
– is a cross patterning movement to improve co-ordination
– start at own pace to match fitness level
– easy to control increase of intensity, distance and frequency
– stimulates body-brain communication
– improves recovery from injury and surgery
– resets muscle use after trauma
– integrates healed muscles into team work again
– improves fitness
– increases lung capacity
– builds spare capacity for emergency activity

Health Benefits:
– speeds healing
– good for cardiovascular fitness
– can assist in lowering blood pressure
– reduces cholesterol
– improves bone density
– reduces risk of osteoporosis
– improves sleeping patterns
– assists in weight loss
– increase energy
– strengthens your immune system
– reduces risk of cancer
– increases lymphatic clearance of cellular waste
– gets you outside regularly
– extends life

Nutritional Benefits:
– increases oxygen intake
– improves digestion and elimination
– better nutrient assimilation
– allows exposure to sunshine and vitamin D
– draws attention to need for hydration and increasing water intake

Emotional Benefits:
– lowers stress levels
– elevates mood
– releases feel good hormones as you walk
– settles the mind
– is meditative
– can be shared

Mental and Creative Benefits:
– stimulates left and right brain integration
– encourages whole brain thinking and creativity
– aids problem solving
– activates new brain cells
– builds brain circuits

Electro-Magnetic Benefits:
– barefoot on wet grass or wet sand is grounding
– barefoot will discharge build up of positive ions in body
– barefoot will absorb negative ions from the Earth’s field

Economic Benefits:
– very economical as is free, just get good walking shoes
– cheaper than any gym
– keeps you healthy so saves on medical bills
– is insurance for healthy later years

I totally believe if you appreciate and honour your body’s intelligence, do what keeps your body well, provide quality food as fuel and building material, and take charge of your thoughts, beliefs and expectations, your body can then be your willing and able servant all your years so you can have the life your choose and love the life you have.
Einstein explained, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” So keep walking.

PS See Article: Walking Benefits Body & Brain, Heart & Soul http://annamcrobertblog.com/?p=349