Communication Pitfalls and How To Navigate Safely

We have all had the experience of having words tumble out or our mouth before we could think, resulting in insult or injury. Now let me ask, were you wanting to insult or injure at the time? Was that your intention? If so, check your motivation for this, as like attracts like, and you will likely find your world full of people who think it is fair game to insult and injure you.

Is this what you want for yourself? If not, do you know how to turn this around? Do you know how to recognize and navigate safely through communication pitfalls and roadblocks? Do you have the skills and strategies? Do you want some understanding and insights?

What if the outcome was totally opposite to what you intended? What if you were you wanting to gain co-operation and positive and mutual benefits and it mis-fired? It was mis-understood? It blow up in your face? Tell me, was your conscious and subconscious in agreement on this, on the same page, pursuing the same goal, expressing the same intent? How do you know?

Your communication awareness and skill may benefit from a thorough exploration with a specific goal in mind. If you have Touch For Health skills then do a goal balance on something like, “I easily attract relationships that are mutually respectful, caring and beneficial.”

Kinesiology as a First Step
Balancing the meridian system to that specific goal, using Touch For Health Kinesiology, aligns you to be attracted by and be attractive to others with the values and behaviours of your goal statement. Balancing your energy to the frequency of the goal statement is like tuning yourself to be in resonance with it. That becomes the “vibe” you put out and one that recognizes and attracts others with that “vibe”.

Now Build Communication Skills and Insights
Having aligned your energy for the result you want to have, mutually respectful, caring and beneficial relationships, next step is to identify the “how to”. Communication is an art you can develop. You can learn the skills to apply and achieve the communication outcomes that nurture the relationships you want to build and maintain.

Touch For Health energy balancing is one way to shift your focus and direct your energy to what you do want and no longer add energy from what you don’t want. But there are many communication pitfalls and how to navigate safely is an essential skill. In The Dynamic Communication Program we go into the “what” and “how” of communication. We draw attention to the pitfalls so you don’t fall into the holes, so you can see what is coming and navigate safely round, even through, without leaving a trail of disaster and without being battered and bruised yourself.

To get more insights on how to do this, register for The Dynamic Communication Program and get the benefits of more effective communications that lead to more satisfying relationships. You can learn and thrive.

The Dynamic Communication Program is open to professionals and every day people, parents, siblings, spouses, teachers, business leaders, natural therapists, to all who specifically focus on communicating with others for mutual benefit.

The only prerequisite is an open mind and heart, and a willingness to take part, contribute, exchange, and gain benefits. Register now. (See Notice attached to March News)