Sudden Muscle Pain Solution

Have you ever had sudden muscle pain that seems to come out of the blue? Then this experience might sound familiar. You are sitting at your desk and reach out to your right side to select a book from the shelf beside you. That’s OK. You ease the book out from its position on the self, still leaning slightly and stretching to your right. It’s a bit awkward but you can’t wheel your chair closer as there are files on the floor blocking your way. You wriggle the book free and you lift it off the shelf. It’s a bit heavy and you feel a sudden twinge in your shoulder. The shoulder didn’t like that but the pain subsided as soon as you put the book on your desk.

After referring to what you needed in the book you again lean out to put the book back on the shelf, but this time the pain is stronger so you change your mind and leave the book on your desk. At the end of the day even picking up the book from your desk right in front of you creates twinges, and there’s tension in the back of the shoulder too.

Next day you are aware of shoulder twinges with the slightest moves, even without holding any extra weight in your hand. And it continues to get worse. In a few days the arm and shoulder ache, and tension has increased in your back, now the opposite hip is also complaining.

Your Own Experience
Now in your case it might not be reaching over to get a book. It could have been reaching back to pull the safety belt out to buckle up in your car seat. It could be reaching down to pull out a weed. It could be picking up the paper that fell on the floor or doing something you have done many times before, but this time it’s a slightly different angle or from an awkward position or while juggling other items or something similar – and bang! – there goes that sudden twinge or sharp pain telling you something is definitely wrong.

Let me ask you, did that particular movement cause the pain or was it the last straw? Or had you been sitting in the same position for hours before reaching out? Or were you thinking about something stressful and not paying attention to what you were lifting? Or did you have a hangover or your blood sugars were low, or you were too busy of late to eat well and had no time for exercise? Or had you been relying on coffee, tea or juice, even soft drinks to hydrate your body instead of water?

Hmmm! There are many possible causes for pain, and some relate specifically to shoulder area, or your neck or more the low back, or hip or knee in particular, or could involve several areas. Rarely is the cause right then and there. That would be an accident, wouldn’t it? But of course, when under any kind of stress we are all more accident prone anyway. So even an accident may have contributing factors that relate to your own lifestyle or state of awareness, or lack of, over time, culminating in that moment when pain suddenly fired off.

Get To The Cause
But whatever the cause, attending to and getting relief as soon as possible is important. And once the pain is reduced or even if it disappears, it is equally important to find the underlying cause and attend to that. This is the key that ensures the pattern that set off the pain in the first place is not repeated. Addressing the cause is the long-term solution that protects you from degenerating into patterns of recurring pain and ongoing suffering.

The immediate solution and long term solutions will naturally depend on the cause and the repercussions on the body as a whole. Researching the topic of pain and pain solutions you will quickly discover there are almost as many options for solutions as there are causes. Seeing a doctor for a diagnosis and any tests that could help is a start. Getting to the bottom of the cause and creating long-term solutions is not the expertise of doctors as this needs a holistic approach and most doctors limit their themselves to drugs and surgery.

Holistic Solutions
Attending to the obvious is rarely the long-term solution. For best results uncovering and re-balancing the causal factors on a physical, mental, emotional, nutritional and essential level will reinstate holistic equilibrium to the body, mind and spirit.

Kinesiology Identifies What is Needed
Kinesiology muscle response testing quickly sorts through the options to identify the priority for creating the best internal environment for healing to take place and ensure long term betterment. Your body knows what it needs to heal itself. Muscle response testing provides a way to “ask” the body what is necessary.

Some of it is common sense.
Do what it takes to help your body’s healing process:
– reduce stress and strain
– drink water to dilute and flush out waste and toxins
– provide repair material through your food choices
– add supplements and herbs as appropriate
– keep the body moving within the range of the situation
– ensure your circulation is well maintained to bring new supplies for new cells
– focus on improving oxygen levels with mindful breathing
– ensure adequate rest and sleep for the repair and replacement to happen
– stay positive and appreciate each step of the improvement as you recover
– be grateful that the body is designed to self heal
– review what to change so there is no repeat of the problem.

Would it surprise you to know most people don’t consider these basic common sense actions or are not even aware they can support their healing process?

Kinesiology muscle responds testing is an invaluable tool and will guide you to pin point the specifics within each of these “common sense” components for your body’s optimum healing level. You can test for how much water, which foods, best time to eat what, thoughts that lift and direct energy for repair – and create the best healing environment internally.

Muscle responds testing will also identify the specific emotions stirred up by your pain experience, how to rebalance the stress, and the insight to gain from this pain experience so you build your awareness and self-knowledge.

To help yourself stay pain free you do need a level of awareness, some knowledge and skills. What is it that helps you know whether to learn skills to resolve pain now, or soon? How do you go about deciding how much time and energy you will invest in learning about your health and pain recovery? What would it be like if you had the knowledge and strategies to double your energy and increase healing for your self – and for your children?

Touch For Health kinesiology can do much more that reduce your pain.

Are you interested? You might want to learn at least the basics of Kinesiology muscle response testing through Touch For Health workshops. Attending just two days of TFH 1 you will learn how to raise your energy to handle every day life with greater ease, be productive and still have energy to spare to enjoy your family. And you will have techniques and strategies at you fingertips to boost recovery from life’s mishaps as needed.

Imagine what would happen if you could muscle test which food was causing your child’s headache or tummy ache, or uncontrollable outbursts, or sleep disturbances. Or which foods would aid pain recovery. Or what if you could help with learning difficulties, your own as well as your child’s, would that make a difference? You’ll be amazed and delighted how you can go from feeling helpless to helpful with Touch For Health knowledge and skills at your finger tips. Muscle pain can happen suddenly. Learn what to do to quickly and safely reduce the pain and fully recover.

Register for Touch For Health 1 Workshop coming up on 4th & 5th February and begin your year on a positive note. See notice attached to your January News.