Energy Medicine

Chinese Traditional Medicine, the use of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs over thousands of years, has gradually become more accepted, even among doctors. Acupuncture uses needles made of two different metals. These are inserted into the body at specific points, depending on the health state of the person in need, and act as electrical conductors to help the body discharge or redistribute blocked energy or recharge depleted energy. This is energy medicine.


A whole new branch of energy medicine sprang into being in the 1960s combining the knowledge of the Chinese meridian energy system with Western understanding of anatomy and physiology. This became Applied Kinesiology.
Chiropractor George Goodheart created Applied Kinesiology when he combined his knowledge of the body and muscle systems with meridian energy influence on internal organ function. He also added the work of Chapman and Bennett to activate lymphatic waste clearance and influence blood circulation.

John Thie, fellow student and colleague of George Goodheart, assembled key strategies for muscle and meridian balancing and made this health care system available to lay people the world over. And so Touch For Health kinesiology was born and did its part to help more than 10 million people in over 40 countries since early 1970s.

People round the world have learned the ever-growing variations of Kinesiology and applied their new found knowledge at home, in the playground and in class rooms, in offices and in clinics. This has been one of the fastest expansions in natural therapies and over 120 different specializations of Kinesiology have developed worldwide in the last 40 years.

Power in Your Hands

Can you imagine how powerful it is to be able to settle down stress reactions, lift tiredness, lighten your mood and reduce your pain, all by touching a few points that change the energy flow in your body. Energy Medicine was revered by our ancestors and continues to be a blessing in our times. And science is progressively discovering why and how it works, giving it credibility in the eyes of more and more of the world’s population.

Touch For Health and Three In Once Concepts kinesiology have proven to be valuable foundation programs for every day folk to gain a personal experience of the life changing impact of moving energy in their body. It is a most wonderful experience to be all het up about some issue, or feel anxious about a coming event, and have that just dissolve with an energy balance.

A shift in energy can change emotional wellbeing, can strengthen internal organ function, can increase tolerance to a larger range of foods, can make relationships flow more smoothly. As stress dissolves our natural nature of curiosity, imagination, inventiveness and problem solving comes to the fore. I encourage everyone to attend at least one Touch For Health or Three In One Concepts workshop.

First Hand Experience

I wouldn’t tell you to go and learn Touch For Health if I hadn’t proved the benefits first hand. I proved it to myself first by helping my son get better when doctors said surgery was the only way to go. This was a drastic and distressing option, yet watching him suffer and have a restricted life was even more distressing. If you are a parent you might relate to what I was going through at the time.

What is it that helps you know whether you should find another way for you or your child to be well? You don’t have to decide now, I told myself. We took time out as a family and eventually decided I would continue learning Kinesiology and use that to help my son. And he gradually got better. Where doctors saw no way of strengthening his genetic weakness, nutritional supplements, herbs and kinesiology worked the miracle I was praying for. This is the every day miracle of the body’s capacity to self heal when given the right internal conditions.

Touch For Health Workshops 

So why is it that some people don’t see the value of discovering and learning how to bring out the best in themselves, the best in their body, the best in their mind, the best in their children? Touch For Health does just that, with simple, easy to apply techniques that activate the body energy systems and turn health issues around gently. Would you like to see better energy and health levels? Would you like to feel more energetic and vibrant? Would you like to help others feel better too?
I don’t know if signing up now is what you want to do. Would you like to see more about Touch For Health kinesiology and its benefits? Would it surprise you to know that you don’t need to have any background in health or how the body works to learn Touch For Health and get results straight away?

Imagine what would happen if you knew how to activate the body communications systems and enhance cell repair programs, increase energy, support the body’s healing mechanism, reduce stress, improve posture and stop pain.
The body is very willing to respond if you know how to communicate with its balancing programs. That’s what Touch For Health can teach you.

The next Touch For Health introductory Workshop is coming up 4th & 5th February 2012. Reserve your place now. Lock in your commitment before Christmas gets you side tracked.

Go to the Touch For Health notice with this December News and sign up now. As soon as the kids are back at school in 2012 its your time to learn how to empower your kids and yourself too, using the TFH strategies for health, for learning difficulties, for stress relief, for food testing, for sports performance.

Sign up now. You’ll be glad you did.



The Energy That Powers Our Planet Powers Our Health Too

Energy Medicine or Energy Therapies are terms being used by a growing number of natural health practitioners. What is this about? How does it work? Is it real?

Well actually, it’s undeniable. The energy that powers our planet powers our health too.

“Scientists have shown that all matter has some magnetic properties. And each of us does emit some strange sort of live magnetic energy field that can be demonstrated with special imaging techniques. This also seems to vary with our state of physical and mental wellbeing, much like the ancient Chinese concept of Qi.
Quoted from Magnet Therapy, The Pain Cure Alternative – A Scientifically Proven Method That Really Works!
by Ron Lawrence MD PhD &Paul Rosch MD FACP &Judith Plowden.

Some vital force powers everything in our universe. Our ancestors recognized this and discovered ways to engage this energy for healing. This vital force is active in all living systems, in our planet Earth, in every plant and animal, in every cell of our body. In the past this energy was too subtle for crude instruments to read, but today we have sensitive technology that can measure this power, this force, this all pervading energy.

The terminology of the ancestors may not be the same as our scientists use today – but it seems we humans from the early times in history and we of the present are acknowledging existence of the same subtle energy and tapping into its benefits. The ancient tribal ways and the new tribal ways are overlapping and integrating more and more as we explore ways to be healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Learning to be in sync with, and to align with this energy may hold the secret of longevity and optimum health.

Electro Magnetic Basics
Whenever there is a flow of electric current a magnetic field forms at right angle to the flow. All magnets have a north pole at one end and a south pole at the other. The terms north and south, negative and positive only relate to direction of the flow of current. Even when a magnet is cut in half, each half into half again, each part still has a north and south pole at either end as the flow of energy direction is the same in each separate piece.

By day the positive polarity of the sun dominates, and by night the negative polarity of planet Earth dominates. The Chinese call this yang and yin energy, day and night energy. Western scientists call it our circadian rhythm. Most people refer to it as our body clock. All recognize it as a natural rhythm of Earth and essential to keep us all healthy and well, a rhythm of expending energy during day time activities and alternating that with rest and sleep at night to regenerate energy and the physical body tissues.

Positive and negative polarity and the ability to attract the opposite is what makes our body systems work, what allows repair to cells. It’s also what makes it possible to power our homes, offices, factories, and our transport systems. It’s what drives our communications, radios, TVs, and computers. It is the basis of what powers and drives our body’s inner life and our outer life style.

Electro Magnetic Diagnostic Tools
Modern medicine uses ECG, Electro Cardiograms, and EEG, Electro Encephalograms, as diagnostic tools. The same measurements can be taken in magnetic values using Magneto Cardiograms and Magnetic Encephalography. MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, is in common use today in hospitals and research trials.

So medicine uses both readings of electrical activity and magnet fields of the body and its organs to determine the wellbeing of our brain and organ functions.

Greater use of both these forces can be made to aid healing and maintain health. Electrical currents have been used to heal “un-healable” bone fractures. These are fully documented by the medical researchers involved. Yet this type of investigation has been neglected or derailed in mainstream research as pharmaceutical companies finance only biochemical activities of the body and, understandably, will not support research into natural remedies or natural phenomena for people’s wellbeing.

Governments allow pharmaceutical companies to decide what will be researched and what will not. This is not independent but very biased investigation of methods to keep people healthy. Actually none of the research is to keep people healthy or well, only to keep them going. No pharmaceutical research is aimed at wellness or resolving cause of ailments, only at drug dependency for a lifetime once commenced, in spite of all the known and documented side effects. Most doctors readily submit to and promote that approach. It is a massive industry.

Any discoveries of how to become well, rebuild strength and resilience and stay well comes from lay people, often parents, scientists, and health professionals, who turn away from the standard medical approach, who refuse to see drug dependency as the only answer to maintaining and sustaining life. Doctors who seek wellness for their patients using natural or alternate approaches are often persecuted and prosecuted. But gradually public demand is forcing change on the medical industry.

Change From The Ground Up
All medical drugs, without exception, have side effects. Statistics show that Number 2 cause of death in USA today is the direct result of treatments by a physician and it is expected to reach Number 1 officially in the near future. Some estimate it is already the top cause of death. A statistical study shows “that more than two million American hospitalized patients suffered a serious adverse drug reaction. Over 75% were dose-dependent, which suggests they were due to the inherent toxicity of the drugs rather than to allergic reactions.” No statistics were available on the number of people suffering adverse effects that were not in hospital.

People are turning to all forms of natural therapies, from massage, to acupuncture to chiropractic to kinesiology. Along with natural therapies go diet improvements, supplements and herbs, plus relaxation, meditation and regular exercise, and of course a focus on breathing and water, to aid healing and improve health. The move across to this wholistic approach as a first option to resolving health issues, and away from drugs, has gained momentum.

Negative side effects of drugs are no longer acceptable.

Energy Medicine and Electro magnetic therapies have a growing following and are being sought out as preferable to medical drugs. Energy medicine has gained acceptance through acupuncture, kinesiology, hands on healing such as reiki and other therapies. Electrical devices that read energy imbalances and transmit a frequency for rebalancing are in common use by doctors and specialists in Europe, and magnets are being used also, a modern version of using lodestones in ancient times.

The power to draw out or disperse “evil influences” is being modernized.
