Reversing Stress, Being Resourceful

Reversing Stress, Being Resourceful
By Anna McRobert

Even when our outer world resources seem far from abundant and we are stressing out, we still have inner resources that are amazingly effective.

We live in a body that is self-healing. How totally remarkable! But at times our body becomes overwhelmed, when life events take up more energy to deal with than the energy we can generate under the circumstances. That’s when the body struggles and symptoms become obvious, health deteriorates, causing even more stress, and we go downhill.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. You have an inner resource that is constantly available.

Your mind, and how you use it becomes super crucial now, and you can harness the power of your mind to turn things around, if you know how to do that. If life events are generating distressing thoughts that are dragging you down, then give your mind some productive, positive work to do. What you think about, matters. How you think about events, matters. You can help your body and mind to heal, or you can add to their burdens. Because where your attention is focused, where your thoughts take you, that is where your energy is engaged and utilized, for good or for bad.

Stressful thinking, going round in circles, worrying, feeling stuck, all chew up your energy, lower your immune system capacity, and put you into an ever decreasing spiral of poor health, and progressively to tissue breakdown, and to energy exhaustion.

Life is not always easy, so energy lowering stressful thinking is familiar to us all.
What can you do instead of getting caught in the downward spiral?

First is breathe. Under ongoing stress we breathe shallowly. We deprive the brain and every cell in the body of essential oxygen for generating energy. Shallow breathing keeps the brain in stress mode. So breathe in and out, out, out, empty your lungs. Now you can take a full breathe in naturally. Repeat till you are emptying and filling your lungs easily.

Next, bring blood into front brain, the only area with cells designed for new thinking. This is your problem solver, the planner, the organizer, the creator of solutions. Stress increases blood in brain areas for survival, locking you into repeating how you survived in the past, no matter how unproductive that might be for you right now.

How do you put your problem solver to work? Put you hand on your forehead, breathe in and breathe out, and acknowledge to yourself your problem, your worry, your distress. Thinking those things with more blood in back brain keeps you going round in circles. But thinking those things while holding your forehead, draws blood into the front brain cells that are solution creators. This cancels the stress signal. It turns off the alarm.

The forehead will become warm very quickly, indicating there is more blood there now. Review your current problems again and breathe in, and out. Keep doing the review and breathing and soon you’ll find that the stress feeling begins to subside, that you begin to accept the problems not just fret about them. You will start to focus on producing new thoughts and new ideas. In Kinesiology this technique is called Emotional Stress Release.

With blood now in front brain, and more oxygen available for in-the-now energy production, your brain is ready to do something to help you with those problems or issues. You are reversing the stress and on the way to creating a solution.

Help your mind to help you. Instead of locking energy into unproductive worrying and depriving the body of healing capacity, direct your powerful mind to do productive work. You can specifically direct your energy to where your body needs it for healing, for regulating, for normalizing internal functions. What you think about and how you think about your health and life really matters, it matters heaps.

Slow down the adrenals. They have been in alarm, in fight-flight-frozen mode, while you were stressed. Under stress their job is to raise your blood pressure and body temperature so you heat up when stressed, also raise blood sugar for muscles to take action, block digestion and immune system, and block thinking so you can react with survival tactics, definitely not with creating a new future. This is not a healthy, productive state for daily living.

Talk kindly to your adrenals. “Thank you for keeping me going. You can take a break now.” Engage your mind to turn your adrenal thermostat down to normal, just as you would turn down the heat to your hotplate on the stove and see the fire-y red coils reducing to a lower heat level. What colour to you relate to as healing, normalizing? Is it white, blue, green? Different colours may work at different times. Direct your healing colour as a ray of light to your adrenals. Breathe in and breathe out. Allow your adrenals to respond and find their balance again as they absorb your healing rays.

Thyroid, when underactive can make you feel depressed and anxious, and when overactive can cause anxiety and insomnia. Send healing, normalizing light and colour to your thyroid. Breathe in and out.

Digestion, reset it to normal now that you are focused on reducing your stress and allowing your body and nervous system to recover, rebuild, regenerate. Send the healing rays to your digestive system too. Breathe in and out.

Liver has to detox the backlog of stress hormones and other toxic wastes. Give your liver a hand with your mind’s focus on sending healing energy to your busy liver as it does its work willingly. Breathe in and out.

Weight, imagine your stored energy in fat cells, being converted, melting, being mobilized to provide extra energy for your body and brain to recover, rebuild, regenerate. Focus the healing, normalizing rays to your fat cells so they readily help the body to restore balance. Breathe in and out.

Water is essential for hydrating every cell so it can do its job efficiently and effectively. Write the word “Love” or “healing” or “gratitude” on a folded paper, making a coaster. Put your water container or glass on that coaster. The water molecules become your healers too when you infuse them with the positive energy of positive words. Direct your healing, normalizing, balancing energy rays to the water in your body too, especially to flush your kidneys.

By harnessing your mind to do your bidding in supporting healing and balancing in your body you can achieve miracles. You can recover, rebuild, regenerate. Take charge or your thoughts. Acknowledge what issues need to be addressed, and put yourself into healing and creative thinking mode to achieve the positive results that will make for a more satisfying and fulfilling life.

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