Why Is Communication So Important?

This is a question worth answering. You were not here for me to ask, “why is communication so important to you“ or “what are the benefits you want from good communication?” so I googled the questions to see what other folk had to say.

Many people stumble round in the dark wondering why their communications don’t work for them. Do you want some light on this issue? Do you find in some circumstances you communicate effectively and get the feedback or results you wanted? Do you find in some circumstances you don’t know what to say or how to say it? Do you go round trying to fix the aftermath of miscommunication? Do you find you often have to smooth ruffled feathers? Do you want someone to smooth yours?

When it comes to effective communication there is more to it than meets the eye, though the eyes do reveal, and register, much.

I read that in the workplace “for organizations to be successful, a ‘listening culture’ is vital”. The benefit they want is to bring greater performance and higher productivity, and have found when staff members feel valued and recognized they do more to support the business. Hmm! The words that stand out to me are “valued” and “recognized” and the idea that they come from a “listening culture”. This is totally valid at home as well as at work.

In the work place stats show there are more women than men in Personnel Departments as women are seen as having more caring and nurturing skills. Which also says something about men and about our expectations. To help others feel “cared for and nurtured” and “valued and recognized” being a good listener goes a long way. Being a good listener is not necessarily an in-born ability in every person, but certainly a skill that can be learned and honed, by both men and women.

More Questions Worth Answering
Has your communication ever got you into trouble? Here you were, just explaining or delivering a message, when all hell breaks loose. Instead of being heard and considered you are being attacked. What did you do next? What could you have done? What is the best thing to do?

Why is it that some people are very good at “rubbing everyone up the wrong way”? How come some people “put their foot in it,” often? What is the magic some people have to “still troubled waters”? How come some people make us feel relaxed and others don’t? Why is it easy to communicate about some issues and not others? How can you put people at their ease so you get on the same wavelength? How can you fill in the gaps in your ability and build on the skills you already have?
These are just some of the questions that will be answered in Dynamic Communications Program.

Be There and Discover the Answers
What you will discover and learn are many layers of answers to “why is communication so important, to you”, in various areas of life and with specific people, and “what are the benefits, to you, from good communication”, the ones you want for yourself that you can have in those situations that you want to make easier and more satisfying.

With awareness through The Dynamic Communications Program you will expand your range of insights and skills to elegantly handle situations from the everyday events right through to sticky and prickly challenges.

One thing is for sure. In communications as in other areas, if you keep doing what you do now you will keep getting the same results. To get better in an essential area you have to grow in that area to step out beyond the old barriers round your comfort zone. How do you do that in your communications?

Register and attend The Dynamic Communication Program. It’s far easier to move forward with like minded people who have a willingness to advance. It really helps to work with those who have gone before you and tested the waters, know where the rapids are, how to guide you round them, and to equip you to go through them, to come out the other side, more confident and more capable.
Dynamic Communications program delivers results. See March News to Register now.

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