Surprising Results – A Client’s Story

Have you ever had an experience that produced results way beyond what you anticipated? Well I watched facial changes happen for a client that surprised us both. So I have captured the surprising results of this client’s story to share with you. This was the result of applying Facial Harmony followed by a natural face lifting mask and reflexology to hands and feet – an exclusive rejuvenation special.

Facial Harmony Energy Release Experience
The specially combined procedures took two hours and the interactive synergy of these produced results beyond any one procedure alone, as we were to discover. And I must acknowledge, this client has done a great deal of self-exploration and was very open to discovering what this process might uncover.

On sitting up at the end my client’s first comment was “I feel like Michelin man. My body feels like it has expanded in big rolls.” This relates to the sense of energy expanding in sections as muscles the length of her body relaxed progressively.

As we talked about her experience I watched her face changing before my eyes. Often as a person starts speaking and using the face muscles after Facial Harmony, they facilitate the clearance of lymphatic fluids. Generally the muscles are more responsive, with increased mobility and range of facial expression. I watched as one cheek filled out and lifted, then the other. The bottom lip plumped out, then the top lip.

Her facial expression was more relaxed, softer, gently serene. She had been super busy with lots of stressful communications back and forth over some months due to a high level of responsibility and demand in a new position. This was on top of other projects and her usual work. So it was good to see a relaxing and softening of her features, and note the energy shift and muscle release that was happening. The cumulative stress had dropped away from her face, taking years off her appearance.

What the Face Revealed
I was able to give her insights of what was being revealed in terms of her individuality and traits, as she focused on various features changing.

Three In One Concepts kinesiology provide two workshops on face reading and how we are structured to function. It’s a very insightful and revealing program for understanding self and others and is part of workshop programs I teach. So I was able to explain the different indicators of her inbuilt strengths becoming more obvious as her face muscles relaxed and assumed their natural proportions.

The way we use the muscles of our face will make certain features more obvious. Subconsciously, and even consciously, we respond to the strengths we see in the face of others and instinctively anticipate the behaviours that go with those strength indicators.

My client’s expanding cheeks gave a younger, more adventurous appearance, which I’ve seen many times before, but what I hadn’t expected was the widening of her face. It looked like her face had structurally broadened. Width of the face through eye socket area goes with a built in confidence, and the wider the more the confidence is innate. So her natural confidence had been released and expanded.

Her jaw became more obvious. In Three In One Concepts Structure/Function program this is an indicator of inner authority. She was obviously releasing and expanding that capacity in herself as well. Her whole face was wider which goes with being seen as a confident authority. And as we tend to live up to the way people see and treat us a new phase was opening in her life.

Her nostril flare increased and this goes with self-reliance. She had certainly been engaging this ability in recent times but when the face exhibits this visually even more, others recognize and respond to this aspect, especially in a tough situation.

Her top lip became fuller. This facilitates spontaneous verbal expression. As this expanded and increased the fultrim area, between the top lip and under the nose, shortened. A short fultrim goes with taking things personally – her impartiality had reduced, so it was a good awareness to have for future interactions.
The bottom lip became extremely full though nothing had been applied to the lips themselves, just the muscles and energy round the lips had been activated. Bottom lip goes with spontaneous giving time, action, and support. She was certainly supporting a whole new group of people, so now her face was expressing this ability more obviously. Being spontaneous giving with everyone could leave her depleted so was another useful awareness for her to ensure she left time for herself too.

The area right across the forehead, between eyebrows and hairline, filled out quite obviously. This is the area of creativity and problem solving for the left brain and right brain and the midline integration of both.

The changes were remarkable and obvious – to both of us.

The Changes Continued Through The Body
Later she rang and added more as she became aware of the differences. Her smile was no longer crooked but equally expressive on the left and right. This relates to expressing inner world and outer world joy equally. A dimple showed in her cheek. It had been missing for many years and reappearing now meant she was using her muscles in a similar way to her younger years. Her smile had increased and revealed more of her teeth, so she looked happier. And even her voice range had changed when she sang.

And the changes continued. She was aware her spine had become more flexible and her back muscles softer, much pain was gone, and she felt straighter. Her hips and pelvis were more mobile. The chest pain had gone. The ache in her foot had eased and her jaw moved freely. First the top jaw had come forward and a little later the lower jaw relaxed and came forward too. Tension in the jaw can be part of holding tension in the shoulders and hips too so the jaw relaxing signals other joints to let go as well.

Her chin became more defined though the tip became less pointed, more softened. A prominent chin can indicate the ability to hang in resolutely, even in difficult times, till the required outcome is achieved. Often getting to the finish line is a matter of keeping going, another useful trait.
Release of Potential

Everything that changed was the indicating the release of her potential that had been contained and restricted by the cumulative stress of recent times and of the more distant past.

The face communicates much, even before we speak. On a subconscious level we instinctively recognize at first glance, to a greater or lesser degree, the innate capacity of a person we meet, and also on a conscious level, once you have had the training for your eyes to see more of the real person.
This was a surprising and revealing experience for my client and one we both enjoyed exploring in short and term long term shifts for expressing her innate strengths and preferences. Moving energy in the extremities, the face, hands and feet, had facilitated greater change in muscle activity, revealing strengths more clearly.

For Your Personal Growth
How much of your own potential is held back by the muscle patterns created by past stresses and traumas? These delightful and surprising results for one client inspired me to tell you what is possible. Facial Harmony is one way to unlock the muscle and energy patterns that trap your full range of strengths, and open the way to experience more of your uniqueness.

Make an appointment today for the Facial Harmony Experience.

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