Earthing Reduces Pain and Increases Health

Question: Earthing, what’s that? What’s Earthing Got To Do With Health?

Answer: More than you might imagine. Just like our planet Earth, your body is mostly water and minerals, and both are excellent conductors of electricity. Electrons allow electricity to flow and the Earth’s surface is a great constantly replenishing reservoir of electrons. Electrons are negatively charged.

We all live with and through electrical activity. Your house is electrically wired for power and light, with insulated wires that carry the positive and negative charge, and it is also earthed with a third wire, so that any accidental spilling over charge, like through faulty appliances, doesn’t go through you but is discharged harmlessly into the ground, into the earth – that’s grounding or earthing.

And you and I are electrically wired too. Our nervous system pathways are positively and negatively charged and every cell, tissue, organ communicates electrically. Your brain pathways are all electrical and light up when activated. You actually make enough energy to light up a room. And how are we earthed?

That’s a good question. We build up charge and often have spikes of electrical activity that needs to be released or discharged safely. So we certainly need a way to earth easily and readily. And we have, just that science and medicine have focused on other aspects of our survival and health and virtually dismissed the electrical side of our functioning. Not any more.

“We all live and function electrically on an electrical planet. The movement of nutrients and water into the cells is regulated by electric fields and each type of cell has a frequency range within which it operates. Your heart, brain, nervous system, muscles and immune system are examples of electrical subsystems operating within your bio-electric body. The fact is all of your movements, behaviours and actions are energized by electricity,” from Earthing by Clinton Ober.

I have been reading two books, The Body Electric by Robert O. Becker MD and Gary Selden, and Earthing by Clinton Ober, Stephen Sinatra MD and Martin Zucker that go into dept on our understanding of the electrical side of life on this planet and within our bodies. There are also sections in other books on this topic, The Genie in Your Genes by Dawson Church PhD, The Promise of Energy Psychology by David Feinstein, Donna Eden and Gary Craig, and Soul Medicine by Norman Shealy MD, PhD, and Dawson Church PhD to name others I am currently reading. (guess what I got myself for Christmas reading?)

Scientists back in the 1800s first measured the Earth’s subtle ground currents at different places around the world, using words like “tranquil” and “quiet” to describe them. Present day science refers to them as “telluric currents” and recognizes them as part of a larger system – called the “global electrical circuits”…
… the electrical potential present on the Earth’s surface rises and falls according to the position of the sun. The intensity is more positive and energetic during the day, in support of your daily activities from wake up to shut down, and less positive and energetic during nighttime hours promoting zzzzzzzzs
.” You will recognize this as our sleep-wake cycle, the circadian rhythm. This rhythm influences many hormonal patterns that can go haywire when we don’t sleep well.

If opposite charges build up, like those between storm clouds and the Earth’s surface, lightening is the result, sudden, hot, loud, electrical discharge of energy. And the charge looks for the best conductive, therefore not insulated, passage to reach Earth.

This also occurs in the body. The way electric energy flows or is blocked through your body is a predictor of where your physical body will breakdown, which disease you will manifest, if the flow is not improved. This is validated by research. All along this has been the basis of Chinese Medicine and its Western cousin Kinesiology, that balancing energy flow will normalize function and prevent disease and tissue breakdown. It will also aid healing and regeneration.

Regularly discharging the buildup would prevent overload with less physical and emotional pain, less deterioration and less wear and tear on our body systems and on our relationships too. Do you want to know how to earth the charge you build up in your body?

Can you cope with a simple solution? This is important. You and I know how easily we get charged up about hot issues or specific people and their attitudes. So what I am about to tell you is important. Please give it due consideration. Dont just listen to me. Check it out for yourself. I trust you to be wise, to recognize what is true for you, and to implement what gives you peace and balance. Let me share some valuable knowledge now becoming more available.

There are many wisdoms and insights passed on to all of us from our forebears. Science is now investigating another instinctive solution that was a part of everyday life for our ancestors. Results have been noted and recorded by people for eons, but this kind of anecdotal reporting is not good enough for science. So scientists have to do things the way scientists do. And it is quite amazing the consistent positive results that are now being monitored and measured with modern medical devices. Its just that I don’t wait 10, 20, 30 years for science to prove things their way when it makes sense to me right now. I want benefits now. How about you?

Symptoms of not discharging your built up energy include pain, especially in joints and muscles, poor digestion, trouble getting restful sleep, heart and lung problems, inflammation of various tissues. One thing that the medical world agrees on is that inflammation is part of all degenerative diseases. So how do we deal with inflammation? Anti-inflammatory medications are commonly prescribed even though they have unhealthy side effects. So what is inflammation all about?

Actually inflammation is part of healing. The interesting thing is that your healthy tissues are negatively charged and when damage occurs the damaged tissues change polarity to positively charged so the immune response can destroy the damage structures. Once the tissue is cleaned up, then the area switches polarity again and becomes negatively charged so that the regenerative healing can begin. Without the polarity change you don’t heal. Our ability to change polarity is crucial to healing.

Yet much of what happens in our world, inside our body and outside in our living and working environments, creates the wrong polarity for healing. Can we earth and discharge excess energy? Can we increase healing polarity?

Yes we can and do, every time we put out bare feet on the Earth, especially on damp grass or damp earth or wet sand at the beach. Water is a good conductor or electricity. With bare feet on the ground we are connected directly to the planet. We are grounded. We discharge the accumulated positive charge into the ground and in return we absorb the negative electrons of the earth’s surface. Take the time for this exchange to occur. And the result of that are? Great calming, pain reduction, symptoms reduction, peace.

To begin with, constant stress and worry of one kind or another keeps our body in fight or flight mode, which prevents effective or complete healing. Chemicals in the air that we breathe in overload our body’s ability to keep up with internal cleansing. Electromagnetic emissions of all the electrical wiring in our buildings and all the appliances, equipment and electronics in every room play havoc with our own body electric wiring. Some people are more sensitive to this interference so experience exhaustion, confusion, headaches, other aches and pains, with inability to recover readily.

John Gray, author of Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, first discovered Earthing when he was in India studying meditation with a master. Being a westerner, not accustomed to sitting in quietude for lengths of time, it was suggested to him he sit on a metal wired pad placed directly on the earth and that would help his body settle and allow him to meditate more deeply. The wired meditation pad was the earthing wire, something John did not put together with the results he achieved by doing this, till discussing earthing or grounding years later.

Now sitting on the Earth to be more peaceful is not new. We evolved from times when all our ancestors sat on the Earth, walked on the Earth, played on the Earth, slept on the Earth. They didn’t know that the Earth is our greatest resource of negative electrons that constantly replenished our body electrons to counter free radicals that can be damaging and is associated with inflammation. To them it was just natural to live in touch with mother Earth.

We’ve lost that. Today we are insulated from this constantly available resource for discharging the buildup of charge associated with the stress of the day, stress from the noise of shopping centers, air-conditioned buildings, hard surfaces in buildings, with electrical interference of all the appliances and equipment and computers that dominate our homes and offices.

For healing to happen, including our repair of daily wear and tear, we need the right environment internally. Research on epigenetics clearly shows we can change our genetic predisposition to any illness or disease by changing our internal environment. Discharging the energy of tension, worry, fear, disharmony, deadlines, criticism, failure, on a daily basis makes an enormous difference to your wellbeing.

Just focusing on the electrical side of our internal environment for now, with earthing, can immediately change the cell activity. Supporting this with directed thoughts and nutrition plus water and deep breathing will take you a long way to re-establishing balanced function in your body and enhance the influence of any natural therapy you are receiving.

So how do you discharge and earth yourself? Place your bare your feet on the ground. Stand, sit, walk, for a minimum of 20 minutes, and the magic begins.

Blood samples of subjects taken before grounding showed an inflammatory pattern of clumping of cells. After grounding for 40 minutes the blood samples showed normal healthy cell separation within the fluids of the blood. In future articles I will give you further research results and how to ground yourself while at your computer and even while sleeping. If you cant wait get the book Earthing by Clinton Ober, Stephen Sinatra MD, and Martin Zucker.

In the meantime, take your shoes off in your yard or in the park, and walk on the damp grass morning and night, with your kids, your spouse, your dog. And watch how your attitude, your health and your relationships improve.
Muscle testing can identify how long you need to ground or earth yourself and how often to gain improvements with a specific physical or emotional issue.
Happy earthing

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