Plan For Your Best Year Yet

First, do brag, at least to yourself, about the year that was. Make a list. Even surviving and coming through relatively sane are both achievements to brag about. And brag too about what the difficult times allowed you to learn or the new doors that opened as a result. And the things that fell into place, that flowed easily, the smiles you brought to others, the joys you shared, the surprises that uplifted you, the garden that flourished, the cuttings that took root and became whole in their own right, plant cuttings and human cuttings, brag about them too. And all the personal and group pluses of 2010, list them all.

Now list what is still in the making, what is to be adjusted, improved, increased, decreased or eliminated. List what you want to put energy into for 2011.
Consider categories like:
– What you want to complete or end
– What you want to continue as is or to adjust
– What you want to start

Rule a page into three columns for above categories: Complete, Continue, Start. In each of those categories you include sections down the page for: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual needs, wants or goals. Some of these items will be personally for self, some for, or with others. Colour code the items in each category so you can see at a glance items for self, for others, with others.

Now prioritize these, starting with a priority in each category, then your top priority over all can reveal itself as you do this. This is your conscious choosing for 2011. Does it also match your unconscious priority? How will you know?

Align Conscious and Subconscious
Well, think back to last year and what you had planned to do versus what you actually did do. Did it match? If it did then you know yourself well and your beliefs, expectations and actions are congruent with your outcomes.

If there is a mismatch between what you had wanted and outcomes achieved there’s more for you to become aware of. Unforseen events can occur which change your focus. But in general, a mismatch can show what was your unconscious priority, based on beliefs that motivate you towards or away from creating what you wanted in various areas of your life. These beliefs may be hidden from your conscious self.

Does that mean you can’t uncover these beliefs? There are ways to get to the bottom of motivators and de-motivators. You can do it on purpose or by accident.

Consult your Subconscious
The quickest way is to actually ask your subconscious and pay attention to the reply. Some folk are well tuned to this inner guidance that is audible when the din of every day life is allowed to recede. Some people are even honest enough with their inner self to hear and recognize what is behind their own outcomes or lack of, and to acknowledge the inner knowing, and change their action for 2011.

For most of us humans, others often see more about us than we see about our self. As parents, it is often obvious what our children could change or adjust to get more satisfying results. And as adults, others around us can often see how we can help ourselves and we can often see how others could help themselves. But to see for yourself about yourself is not so straight forward.

Kinesiology is a Tool
We all look at our life through the filters of our beliefs reinforced by our experiences. So when we look at self, through our own filters, the obvious may be totally filtered out. This is why I am so grateful for Kinesiology muscle response testing as this is the “voice” of the subconscious “speaking” through muscle change. It is one of the quickest ways to identify priorities out of a list of possibles.

It can be very enlightening to have your own muscle response make its priorities clearly known so that any conflicts or even reversals can be immediately attended to. A Kinesiology session can be very illuminating. You can test the stress relating to the items on your lists, they will vary, and then test the priority stress to defuse.

Then on that priority, muscle test “100% willing to let go of the need for this stress about —-“, and your muscle test will agree or not agree. This uncovers any unconscious conflicts or even reversals about letting go of the stress. Attending to this will often reduce the overall stress on the priority item. As you reduce the priority stress the stress on other items on your list changes too. Reducing stress to 0% and ensuring positive motivation is 100% is what we aim for in a Kinesiology defusion session.

Now the path is clear to create a plan of action that is aligned with both your conscious and subconscious self, with a far greater possibility of staying on track for success and fulfillment.

You can even test for which personal inbuilt strength will assist you on this journey, aligning your natural gifts and preferences to be engaged for the greatest flow with the least energy expenditure. This is such a worth while procedure, reducing wear and tear on your nervous system and your relationships.

Summary of Steps
To start your 2011 as you intend to live it:
– List your fulfilling successes from 2010
– list your wants, needs, preferences in each category: to end, to continue, to start
– in each category list items under sections: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
– prioritize in each section, identify the top priority
– ask subconscious if is in agreement with top priority
– defuse any conflict of reversals
– keep applying tools to reduce stress till down to 0%
– plan 2011
– identify your key strength, ability, gift to engage in following your plan
It’s worth getting the priority clear, the direction clear and clearing the path to set up a year with greater flow and best use of your creative and productive energy.
Ring and make an appointment to get you off to a good start. 3378 2050

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