Kinesiology to Reduce Muscle Pain and Tension

Recently during a Touch For Health level 3 workshop I had the opportunity to demonstrate how to use Kinesiology to reduce muscle pain and tension in a way that brought immediate change, right before our eyes.

A whole new segment of knowledge and skill opened up for the participants. Students now had enough muscle knowledge to consider, not just activating individual muscles, but at teamwork, and how the muscles interacted.

Whenever muscles are habitually over tight and hard to your touch, they are overworking, often doing the work for several other muscles as well as their own load. These muscles become stuck in the habit of taking over and not letting other muscles in the team do their share.

As we unraveled the patterns of use and reprogrammed the team interaction we saw some amazing postural changes before our eyes. It was truly exciting. The body is so willing to co-operate if we just know how to go about creating change through understanding what the body is communicating and co-operating with it.

Pain and tension and posture imbalances are all part of body communication that can lead you to do the right thing to bring relief and ease through Kinesiology muscle response testing and corrections.

Shoulder Tension
One student had a shoulder sitting higher than the other. This is common for many people as we are generally one hand dominant, left or right, and use the dominant arm more often and more powerfully than the non-dominant arm.

Applying a TFH release signal to the over-worker and maintaining it, we reset the under-working muscles we had identified. TFH provides a number of techniques for this to happen. The result was that the hard tight muscle softened and the shoulders became more aligned immediately. It’s always a relief to feel the relaxation happen and the extra mobility when the tension has normalized. This is a muscle program reset, not just a relaxation, so the results last.

Neck Tension
Another common problem is tension in the back of the neck causing headaches or stiffness and a limited range of movement. This easily happens if sitting in front of a computer for hours a day.

As you get tired the blood sugars drop and the muscles in the back that are sensitive to that specific biochemical drop lose their tone. We learn to test this muscle in TFH 1. Your back is no longer supported effectively and rounds out. Your shoulders roll forward and as a result you tip your chin up to see the screen. This scrunches the muscles in the back of your neck and the tension here becomes a pattern activated each time you are in front of a computer screen. This is all too common.

The trick to rebalancing is identifying the under-working muscles to take the load off the over-working muscle. Observing the posture is the beginning of rebalancing the team. You can verify your observations with a TFH procedure.

Releasing the tight back of neck muscles and maintaining the release creates the opportunity to activate and reset the under working upper back, shoulder and front of neck muscles. The result is the back is supported and not rounder, and the head now sits balanced above the shoulders and no longer forward with the chin up. It’s always fun to see how quickly muscles adjust to their new, better balanced role.

Tightly Curled Toes
Another student had toes on one foot tightly curled so they never touched the ground when he walked. This was a longstanding issue that meant he had to compensate for not contacting the ground fully and not pushing off with this foot when walking. He limited his gait to accommodate the curled toes.

By repeatedly releasing the muscles that curled the toes under and activating the opposite muscles he was able in minutes get a signal through to the toes to start moving. It was amazing to see first one toe, then next and next progressively become responsive and able to extend and be in contact with the floor.

This was a childhood pattern and considered something he would just have to live with. Now he has made a change that will have an impact on how he walks and stands on his feet. As there is no need to compensate for curled toes he can relax other muscles he was not aware he was engaging.

When you have unhappy feet you will pay the price in forcing other muscles from your feet all the way to your neck to work in a compensating way. Releasing feet muscles changes the team work required for smooth and efficient momentum when walking or running, saving energy, extending the range for movement, easily aligning the balance over your feet, and avoiding accidents.

Low Back Too Tight
Another common postural pattern is tight low back muscles, front of hip bones rolled forward, and belly hanging out, even when well exercised.

We released the low back muscles for one of the students by de-activating the muscle fibres, and while released reset the abdominal muscles. We did this a number of times till the low back became a gentle curve, the hips in place and the abdominals effectively holding their tone in the front.

The result was immediately visible and can be sustained readily. Now any exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles will be effective. The spine will be balanced between front and back muscles evenly instead of the back muscles doing double duty.

These were just some of the experiences of students as they learned how to use Touch For Health Kinesiology to effectively reduce muscle pain and tension. The body is remarkable and when you know how to communicate with your body through muscle response testing you will be delighted with the results that happen under your hands.
Kinesiology is a very effective way to reduce muscle pain and tension.

Register now for Touch For Health Kinesiology workshop and discover just how amazing we truly are and how readily the body responds given the opportunity to communicate its needs through muscle response testing.
Anna McRobert

Women’s Health Update

Extracts from GNLD Newsletter article by
Anjana Srivastava, International Vice President Product, Science & Technology

Women are inherently different from men – the physical, physiological as well as hormonal differences result in distinct nutritional needs for men and women. As a result, certain health conditions disproportionately impact women.

For example:
– 75% of autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes and others occur in women.
– heart disease kills more women than men
– women under the age of 50 are twice as likely to have a fatal heart attack then men
– heart disease is six times more likely to kill women than breast cancer
– women also metabolize certain drugs differently

More Research and Insights
The latest scientific discoveries have reinforced some of the previously existing knowledge about women’s health, brought new insights and opened new doors to maximize optimal wellness for the body and mind. It is up to us to use this knowledge to enhance our health.

For most of us, nutrition is the single strongest tool for cardiovascular disease prevention. Minimizing exposure to “bad” food choices and maximizing the presence of “good” ones is a prudent strategy for women looking for cardio protection. For example, the benefits of omega-3s in cardiovascular health are well documented by many studies.

Most recently, results published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggest
that increased levels of omega-3s could potentially reduce a woman’s risk of heart
failure. It found that even one portion of omega-3 rich fatty fish per week could reduce the risk of developing heart failure by almost 30% compared with women who ate no fatty fish.

On February 15, 2011, the American Heart Association presented new guidelines for
women’s heart disease risk. Scheduled for publication in the journal Circulation, these new guidelines are based on years of research that now clearly links a woman’s heart disease risk with pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes or pregnancy-induced hypertension. These pregnancy-related events, added to the known risk factors of poor diet, lack of exercise, and being overweight or obese, point to a woman’s increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Whole foods and Their Bioactive Nutrients Are Keys to Heart Health
Newly published dietary recommendations from Dr. Louise Chang (Board Certified Internal Medicine, graduate of Stanford and New York Medical College) medical editor for WebMD, focuses on “24 Foods that can save your heart.” Particularly important to women, these guidelines focus on key food groups and highlight the specific nutrients or groups of nutrients that provide the benefit.

So, take charge! Take control of your and your family’s wellness; and spread the word about health and nutrition. We can all help create a healthier world for our selves and our families to thrive.

Additional Note: I have personally used GNLD whole food supplements for over 25 years and rely on them to fill the gaps in the nutrient deficient “fresh” foods available in supermarkets of today.

These foods are generally mass produced in soils that are known to be depleted and have been “enriched” with fertilizers that focus on what will make the food grow fast, look good and last on the supermarket shelves. The nutritional content of these foods is way below that grown on soils that are enriched with home made compost, devoid of any pesticides and herbicides.

Mass produced food has its pluses and minuses. The plus is we can feed more people more easily. The minus is the health of people eating this food is compromised by the reduced nutritional levels in the foods they eat daily. Bottom line is many people are way below their optimal health because their foods are below optimal nutrient composition in the first place.

I intend to stay fit and healthy till the day I drop. So that means I exercise, I choose what I eat with preference given to health rather than to loading up with sugars and such, and I ensure I address stresses in my life regularly.

I have seen people’s health turn around when they supply their body with quality food sourced supplements, balance their meridian energy and reduce their stress levels with Kinesiology. Contact me if you want to boost your energy and wellness with reliable food supplements, energy balancing, or both.

Further Note: I will run a Food and Supplement Testing Mini Workshop after Easter on Saturday 14th May. You will discover which foods your body is reacting to, which ones are creating bloating, or nausea, or inflammation in your intestinal tract, leading to aches and pains in joints and muscles.

Kinesiology muscle response testing indicates the foods that lift your energy, those that drops your energy, and the ones that maintain your energy.

This can also be applied to discover which foods are increasing or maintaining your excess body weight, and which foods will help promote muscle mass and reduce your fat stores.

Integrative Medicine for Holistic Health

Scientists of various specialized areas are teaming up, putting together their research work and discovering the wholistic nature of human function.

Well, some scientists have been researching and confirming this for decades. It’s just that their own peers refused to consider or acknowledge anything that was different from their own original training and they would actively denounce, ridicule, undermine and refute anything new.

Resistance to anything new is not unusual. Medical specialists, natural therapy practitioners, and every day folk are no different in that regard. We, each of us, hold dear various beliefs, ideals, knowledge, strategies in whatever field we specialize in, be that on the home front or in the business world, or in government, or in health care. So it’s not about pointing the finger at only one area of expertise or knowledge. Any challenge to existing beliefs, long held “truths”, is generally defended – at first. Change can take time to be accepted.

Every one of us in our endeavours is likely to defend our long held “truth”, the beliefs and concepts on which we have based our decisions and behaviour, rather than face the reality and admit that we may have been blind or been barking up the wrong tree. So resistance to new insights is common in every field, particularly among peers and colleagues.

But the evidence is mounting in the medical field that drugs and surgery are not the best or only way to keep the majority of people functional, that various therapies are as effective and often more so in helping people recover from illness, and without the side effects. Dogmas are collapsing under the weight of gathering evidence and a more holistic approach is growing and is likely to become the norm in future.

According to Nathan S. Kline, MD, MA, FACP, Director of Research Facility in Rockland State Hospital, Orangeburg, New York, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, New York back in 1962, “Time and again in the short history of science, ideas that were “conclusively disproved” have later been recognised to be not only correct, but of stunning significance.”

Psychoneuroimmunology (psycho/neruo/immunology) is a term coined in recent times that acknowledges the collaboration of psychologists, neurologists and immunologists in terms of how to help people deal with ill health of one kind or another. This collaboration recognizes that how we feel emotionally impacts on our brain and the whole nervous system and can directly compromise the ability of our immune system to protect us and keep us well.

The days of ignoring, criticizing, belittling or laughing at anything that didn’t fit existing medical dogma are numbered as attitudes shift with the accumulating research that can’t be refuted.

Medical and complimentary and alternate therapies have been uniting under the term of integrative medicine, even though there are detractors who are still fighting this union of traditional knowledge and modern discoveries for handling health issues.

Other new collaborations are forming, even including those from outside the body function arena. NASA research on the ability of plants to detoxify our internal building environments and provide essential oxygen for human wellbeing is one combination of health research and plant and environment research coming together. (see article Plants are Essential for Human Life posted December 2010)

Another less publicized combination is doctors, scientists and electricians. All medical training acknowledges we humans are electro magnetic beings. That means we generate electricity, have electric circuits with positive and negative polarities, generate an amplitude or voltage between the positive and negative.

Without this electrical activity inside and outside every cell no activity or human life as we know it is possible.
How has this essential element been ignored for so long when looking for ways to heal the body? Focus has been on biochemical aspects and surgical interventions with little consideration to the body-electric activities or the mind till recent times.

Epigenetics has clearly shown that every thought can change your brain activity and also triggers biochemical changes and body responses that can switch genetic programs on or off. Constant thoughts of fear, anxiety or any other stress can become a thought habit that plays out in the brain and in the body simultaneously. This includes changing the body’s biochemistry and altering energy distribution and use. There is no separating the mental, emotional, biochemical, physical or energy contributions to the whole. They work together, simultaneously, in concert. A change in one area will trigger a cascade of changes in all other areas.

Health and Safety standards in the work place, from factories, to office blocks, to mining and gas harvesting, are set in accord with medical and scientific standards to ensure the environment is safe for workers. This concern is in the outer world while still ignoring or under rating pollution of the body’s internal cells in the majority of medical patient that can be just as dangerous in the individual body.

Our internal environment needs to be kept safe too. Instead of just prescribing drugs to mask the cause of headaches or upset stomach, or itchy skin, the body may need internal cleaning up, the removal of toxic build up, change of pH through diet or lifestyle, water to hydrate and dilute waste for elimination, a shift of habitual stressful thoughts, all stock in trade for natural therapy approaches, including Kinesiology.

So what about the internal and external electromagnetic environments? These are equally important, perhaps paramount.

“Grounding” is being validated by the latest information from research projects. Every house with electrical wires for lighting and power is by law automatically earthed, meaning it has a wire that is connected to the Earth for grounding or discharging of any excess electrical charge, to avoid electrocution.

As you are also electro magnetic, how do you get earthed? In the January Newsletter article, Earthing Reduces Pain and Increases Health, I talked about taking your shoes off and walking, sitting or standing on the damp grass or wet sand. This effectively discharges into the Earth the stress charge that builds up in your body during the day from normal work, time schedules and family life. Being barefoot also allows you to absorb the Earth’s negative ions that support wellness. And you can also de-stress and rebalance your electrical energy in other ways.

The Chinese meridian and acupuncture system specifically addresses the need to rebalance energy flow to regain and maintain health.

Working as a Kinesiologist I regularly draw on the Chinese Five Element system to discover which is the main under active system in the body and which function is holding on up the energy flow and preventing an automatic rebalancing. Meridians are energy pathways that are electrical in nature and respond to positive and negative polarity input.

Kinesiology combines elements from both the Chinese acupuncture system and the modern medical knowledge of anatomy and physiology and how the body works. George Goodheart, a chiropractor, created Applied Kinesiology and his student and colleague, John Thie, put together the basic elements of this work for lay people to use as maintenance and first aid, and called the system Touch For Health.

Touch For Health kinesiology provides everyday people with safe and simple ways to discharge stress, rebalance meridian energy flow, check which food will support and maintain this balance biochemically, activate clearance of lymphatic waste, improve blood circulation, support organ activity, enhance brain function for learning, reduce pain and improve posture and co-ordination.

This Kinesiology health care system was John Thie’s gift to his patients and to all people who seek to regain and maintain wellness and enhance relationships and daily life. Touch For Health puts power and knowledge into the hands of each person so they can take charge of their own wellness, to educate themselves about how to be healthy and whole, to recognize what the body is communicating through energy shifts and muscle response change.

Any persistent meridian imbalances act as an early warning system that indicates, possibly years in advance, which functions are energy starved or overloaded and will physically deteriorate if the energy is not rebalanced. The energy imbalance registers long before tissue breakdown and rebalancing the energy is pro-active preventative health care. It is a way of influencing genetic programs, and escaping the family patterns of health degeneration.

It really is time to learn how to be well rather than wait for symptoms to occur for which a doctor will likely prescribe drugs to silence the body’s cry for help and block awareness that something is malfunctioning and needs help to regain full function again.

Doctors are writing reports and books about the existing medical system.

“The Journal of the American Medical Association has been warning … for over a decade, publishing research showing the dangers of infections, injury and death in American hospitals. … Theses studies rank iatrogenic or doctor-caused illnesses among the largest killers of Americans … Other studies with different criteria, actually find that iatrogenic illnesses are the number one killer.”

“Astonishingly, the U.S. Congress, Office of Technological Assessment, has reported 85% of the drugs now in use have no satisfactory scientific documentation backing them,” according to Norman Shealy, MD, PhD and Dawson Church, PhD. This and much more, along with statistics, they cover in their book Soul Medicine.

Here’s a some more: “Britain’s respected Independent newspaper, in its “Science” section, under the headline, “Glaxo Chief: Our Drugs Do Not Work On Most Patients,” reported that: A senior executive with Britain’s biggest drugs company has admitted that most prescription medicines do not work on most people who take them.”

“Allen Roses, worldwide vice-president of genetics at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a huge multinational drug company, said fewer that half of the patients prescribed some of the most expensive drugs actually derived any benefit from them.”

Article in the Seattle Times stated, “Millions of people taking drugs that may carry a greater risk than the underlying condition. The treatment, in fact, may make them sick or even kill them.”

It seems like the tables are turning when I also read, “Dr William Nolen, in his book Healing, A Doctor In Search of a Miracle, stated that healers can cure 70% of individuals – a statistic that appears far better than the average drug.”

Science is in the process of validating “healing” with energy, visualization, relaxation techniques, yoga, meditation, prayer, caring touch, acupuncture, chiropractic, diet and numerous other ways. And the results are proving at least as good as drugs and often more effective, and with no side effects.

Workshops provide the opportunity – I invite you to expand your knowledge and ability to care for your health. Sign up for Touch For Health workshop 19th & 20th February and discover how readily your body responds to the balancing procedures that are safe and easy to apply. Your body wants to be well. Learn how to work with your body for a healthy future.

Email me for the Touch For Health Notice and Registration with all the details.

Kinesiology – Report From Tools Of The Trade Workshop

As always I am humbled, honoured and excited by students who are willing to discover the source of what makes them tick and what creates stress in their lives so they can learn and apply strategies to make their future more fulfilling.

Three in One Concepts were way ahead of their time when they wrote their introductory workshop Tools Of The Trade. The defusion process includes identifying the emotional pattern from their Behavioral Barometer and tracing it back to when it was first created or to the age of best understanding using muscle stress testing. The belief that creates the emotional stress pattern is always in an earlier time when our choices were limited compared with now. Changing that belief as part of the defusion changes the present and the future.

Candace Pert, neuroscientist, pharmacologist, molecular biologist, and author or Molecules of Emotion, continues to study psychoneuroimmunology, a science that studies the link between the mind and the body. After experiencing Three In One Concepts work, her comment was that “the method is leading edge.”

Bruce Lipton, scientist, cellular biologist, and author of Biology of Belief, writes about Epigenetics, our ability to influence gene expression by changing cell environment. Our thoughts and beliefs set the cell environment. Change your beliefs and you change the expression of genes.

“This breakthrough in biology is fundamental in all healing for it recognizes that when we change our perception or beliefs we send totally different messages to our cells and reprogram their expression. The new-biology reveals why people can have spontaneous remissions or recover from injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities.”

Attending a presentation by Bruce Lipton he said during a discussion after the presentation he had gained much benefit from working with kinesiology.

Alvaro Pascual-Leone is a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School and director of the Centre for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. He says, “The brain changes with anything you do, including any thoughts you might have.”

Congratulations to the students who have just completed Tools of The Trade Workshop, the introduction to Three In One Concepts Kinesiology. I am looking forward to learning more with you.